Thursday, May 31, 2012

Behind The New Flame Malware Spying On Computers | Monroe Tech

With possible ties to malware targeting Iran, the Flame spying software is seen as the latest cyber espionage attempt from a nation state.

The Flame worm that has targeted computers in the Middle East is being called ?the most sophisticated cyberweapon yet unleashed? by Kaspersky Lab researchers who discovered it. Lurking on computers for at least five years, the malware has the ability to steal data, eavesdrop on conversations, and take screen captures of instant message exchanges, making it dangerous to any victim. But a possible link to malware found on computers in Iran?s oil sector has experts saying it?s got to be the work of a nation-state.

CNET talked with Roel Schouwenberg, senior researcher at Kaspersky, the company that uncovered the malware, to find out who is behind it and how dangerous it really is.

What is Flame?
Flame is a sophisticated attack toolkit that leaves a backdoor, or Trojan, on computers and can propagate itself through a local network, like a computer worm does. Kaspersky Lab suspects it may use a critical Windows vulnerability, but that has not been confirmed, according to a Kaspersky blog post. Flame can sniff network traffic, take screenshots, record audio conversations, log keystrokes and gather information about discoverable Bluetooth devices nearby and turn the infected computer into a discoverable Bluetooth device. The attackers can upload additional modules for further functionality. There are about 20 modules that have been discovered and researchers are looking into what they all do. The package of modules comprises nearly 20 megabytes, over 3,000 lines of code, and includes libraries for compression, database manipulation, multiple methods of encryption, and batch scripting. The malware is named after one of the main modules that is responsible for attacking and infecting additional computers. There are multiple versions circulating, which are communicating with as many as 80 different command-and-control servers. Kaspersky has an updated technical analysis here and McAfee?s technical blog post is here. This report on the malware, from the Laboratory of Cryptography and System Security (CrySyS Lab) at Budapest University of Technology and Economics, refers to the threat as ?sKyWIper.?

?Flame is very modular. Basically a target will get infected with the main component and then the attackers will only upload modules to the target as they see fit,? Schouwenberg said. ?We assume that we don?t have all the modules that exist in the wild.?

How does it spread?
Flame spreads within a network via a USB thumb drive, network shares, or a shared printer spool vulnerability, but spreads only when instructed to do so by the attackers. It?s unclear what the initial point of entry is. ?We expect to find a spear phishing e-mail with a Zero-Day exploit,? Schouwenberg said.

How long has Flame been around?
?We have the first confirmed report of Flame in the wild in 2010, but there is circumstantial evidence that dates it back to 2007 and some speculate it may go back further than that,? Schouwenberg said Kaspersky Lab researchers discovered the malware several weeks ago after being asked by the United National?s International Telecommunication Union for help in uncovering malware dubbed ?Wiper? that was stealing and deleting sensitive information on computers in Iran?s oil sector.

How does Flame relate to Wiper?
?Wiper could be a Flame module that is uploaded to a target machine when the attackers want to wipe the data from the computer. There is no evidence to link the two together, but the timing is coincidental,? Schouwenberg said. ?So, we have an open mind to Wiper being a Flame plug-in.? Iran?s National Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT), which is called ?Maher,? said software to detect Flame was sent to companies in that country at the beginning of May and a removal tool is ready now. Recent incidents of mass data loss in Iran ?could be the outcome of some installed module of this threat,? the center said, speculating that attacks in which data from Iran?s gas company computers may have been linked to Flame. Officials in Iran suspect that Wiper and Flame are somehow linked, the Associated Press reports.

Why wasn?t Flame discovered earlier?
Whoever created Flame took extreme efforts to write the code so that it would evade detection for as long as possible. ?Clearly it?s another multimillion-dollar project with government funding, so one of the top priorities has been stealth,? Schouwenberg said. While a later variant of Stuxnet was detected because it spread aggressively, Flame only spreads after it is instructed to do so remotely. Flame is unusually large in size and uses an uncommon scripting language, Lua, so it doesn?t look malicious at first glance. ?Flame authors have adopted the concept of hiding in plain sight,? he said. Because Flame doesn?t use a rootkit technology, free anti-rootkit tools won?t be able to detect it. ?Finding it is going to be more complicated,? according to Schouwenberg.

Who created the malware?
It?s unclear who wrote and distributed the malware, but Schouwenberg said researchers believe it was a nation-state or someone hired by a nation-state because of the advanced nature of the threat. Just because the code is in English does not mean that an English-speaking country is behind it, he said when asked if he thought the U.S. and/or Israel are behind this malware as is believed with Stuxnet. Meanwhile, liberal Jewish blog Tikun Olam cites an unidentified ?senior Israeli source? as confirming that Israeli cyber warfare experts created Flame to ?infiltrate the computers of individuals in Iran, Israel, Palestine and elsewhere who are engaged in activities that interest Israel?s secret police including military intelligence.?

Is it related to Stuxnet and Duqu?
Flame shares some characteristics with two previous types of malware that targeted critical infrastructure systems and which used the same technology platform: Stuxnet and Duqu. Schouwenberg thinks the same entities are behind Flame. For instance, Flame and Stuxnet both spread via USB drive using the ?Autorun? method and a .LNK file that triggers an infection when a directory is opened. Flame also can replicate through local networks using a Windows-based shared printer vulnerability that was exploited by Stuxnet as well. Kaspersky hasn?t uncovered Flame using any previously unknown vulnerabilities, called ?Zero-Days,? but since Flame has infected fully patched Windows 7 systems through the network, there may be a high-risk Zero-Day being exploited. ?We are operating under the assumption right now that basically Flame and Stuxnet were two parallel projects commissioned by the same nation-sate or states. The Stuxnet platform was created by one team or company and Flame by another team or company, and both teams had access to this common set of exploits,? he said. Flame is 20 times larger than Stuxnet, which was previously believed to be the most sophisticated piece of malware ever.

How serious is this?
Kaspersky researchers believe there is much more to Flame than they know now. ?We operate on the assumption there are other modules we don?t know about, which could elevate Flame from cyber espionage to cybersabotage,? Schouwenberg said. ?Given the conservative method of spreading, we assume that the vast majority of infections we are seeing are intended targets ? The amount of manpower required to maintain this operation is very significant. Flame uses more than 80 C&C (Command and Control) servers, which we haven?t seen before. This shows the amount of resources committed to this project.?

Who is being targeted with Flame?
The highest proportion of infections are in Iran, followed by ?Israel/Palestine,? Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, according to Kaspersky. Symantec says the primary targets are in ?the Palestinian West Bank, Hungary, Iran and Lebanon.? ?With Flame, we haven?t been able to say what binds all the targets together other than that they are in the same geographical region,? Schouwenberg said. ?We are trying to work with incident response teams globally to contact these victims and find out more, but right now we don?t know what type of data has been stolen.? Victims include educational institutions, state-related organizations and individuals.

How widespread is Flame?
So far there are only estimates as to how widespread Flame infections are. Kaspersky researchers have seen between 300 and 400 infections on customer computers reporting back to them, but researchers speculate there could be more than 1,000 infected computers worldwide. Most of the infections are in Iran and other countries in the Middle East. There are a few in the U.S., and Schouwenberg said those could be due to someone in the Middle East using a virtual private network based in the U.S. to circumvent Internet filters in that country as opposed to genuine infections on U.S.-based computers. ?We?re looking into sinkholing (taking control of) some of the Command and Control servers and getting data from there to have a more accurate reflection of infections,? Schouwenberg said.

Does it affect me?
Most of the major antivirus software now detects Flame, so updating your security software will protect you. Kaspersky also has offered tips for manually removing the malware. The software is not designed to steal financial data and does not seem targeted at consumers, so chances are your computer is safe.

What does this all mean?
While Flame represents another sophisticated cyber espionage attack, it?s not exactly a harbinger of cyberwar. Countries have been conducting cyber espionage for years, but it wasn?t until Stuxnet, with its links to the U.S. and Israel, that a Western country was fingered by researchers. Stuxnet is believed to have been designed to sabotage Iran?s nuclear program after diplomatic and other efforts had failed. That said, Flame does show that sophisticated attacks on critical infrastructure are happening, and succeeding. ?The good news is that like Stuxnet, Flame appears to be highly targeted,? Eric Byres, chief technology officer and co-founder of Tofino Industrial Security, writes in a blog post. ?But the bad news is that this worm clearly indicates that industry, especially the energy industry, is now a key target in a rapidly growing world of sophisticated, government sponsored malware.?

?You could call it military-grade malware, which is obviously a class above (other malware) and generally these are covert operations so remaining stealth is top-most priority,? Schouwenberg said. ?In the end, it was anti-malware that found this type of attack.?


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Why Planning Is Essential To Home Improvement Project Success ...

Home improvement projects are fun to do, but if you do not do your research prior to starting it may not go the way you want it to. If you think you can start a home improvement project, and that it will simply turn out just right, you are not thinking clearly ? proper preparation is a must! The purpose of this article is to help you plan your next home improvement project in the most thorough and efficient manner.

Do you have a large home renovation in mind? If you do, hiring helpers might be the first thing you need on your list. Before you hire anybody, however, you should do a background check on them to make sure that they can actually do the work that is required. It?s always a good idea to get several estimates from different contractors before choosing one. You need to be comfortable with the contractor, which is another reason why you should meet several of them. They may even be the ones with the best price. Depending upon the size of the job, the contractor that you choose should be able to hire additional workers if necessary. Using a general contractor is your best bet in that they have the experience to get the job done correctly and can supervise the workers that they employ. A lot of folks these days are trying to make energy efficiency a priority when they can afford a home improvement. Even if you are not thinking about selling your home anytime soon; by updating to an energy efficient system you will at least be saving money on monthly expenses. The two most basic places to start energizing your home in a more effective manner is by getting rid of your old hot water heater and those drafty old windows. Insulation is another place to start when you are thinking about an update. Essentially, the best possible positive influence you could create for your home would be making it more energy efficient.

A home inspector is a great asset to have, especially if you?re going to make home improvements; these people can help you make tough decisions along the way. That?s because, unless you?re an expert, you may be missing something essential that the inspector will find. Many houses will have termites, a little pest that most people may not notice where as an inspector will. Basically, the inspector will help you understand what needs to be fixed. These are typically things that are not superficial by any means. They will help you decide what you need to do and explain exactly what
you need to fix or renovate right now.

There are several things you need to consider before doing any type of home renovation project. If you do you?re planning well in advance, you are less likely to have things go wrong during the project. Each project is different! So you need to be careful along every stage of the project, especially if a contractor is involved.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

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Unlikely matchup: Kings, Devils set for Cup finals

New Jersey Devils goalie Martin Brodeur makes a save during practice in preparation for Game 1 of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup Final series against the Los Angeles Kings, Tuesday, May 29, 2012, in Newark, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

New Jersey Devils goalie Martin Brodeur makes a save during practice in preparation for Game 1 of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup Final series against the Los Angeles Kings, Tuesday, May 29, 2012, in Newark, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

New Jersey Devils' Ilya Kovalchuk, of Russia, skates with the puck during practice in preparation for Wednesday's Game 1 of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup Final series against the Los Angeles Kings, Tuesday, May 29, 2012, in Newark, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Los Angeles Kings' Drew Doughty skates during practice in preparation for Wednesday's Game 1 of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup Final series against the New Jersey Devils, Tuesday, May 29, 2012, in Newark, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Members of the Los Angeles Kings huddle during practice in preparation for Wednesday's Game 1 of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup Final series against the New Jersey Devils, Tuesday, May 29, 2012, in Newark, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Members of the New Jersey Devils listen as head coach Peter DeBoer, left foreground, talks during practice in preparation for Wedensday's Game 1 of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup Final series against the Los Angeles Kings, Tuesday, May 29, 2012, in Newark, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

(AP) ? Roughly two years ago, the Los Angeles Kings and New Jersey Devils were the finalists in the free-agent market battle for Ilya Kovalchuk.

The Devils won the right to keep the high-scoring Russian with a bid of $102 million.

Wednesday night, the teams will start fighting for a much bigger prize, the Stanley Cup. In this contest, skill, heart and desire will decide the outcome. Nothing else.

And it doesn't matter that the Devils and Kings aren't the two teams most experts expected to be left standing after three rounds of the playoffs.

"You hear it every year, but it doesn't get old: Once you make it in, you have a chance to get here," Kings coach Darryl Sutter said. "I think that's one thing that the prognosticators don't consider. I always put it this way, when the playoffs start, the clocks should be reset. Because everyone's starting over, and all 16 teams have a shot to win it all.

"I think both teams would agree with that this year."

Led by Kovalchuk and a 40-year-old Martin Brodeur, the Devils are just the second No. 6 seed to reach the finals. The 2004 Calgary Flames, coached by Sutter, were the other.

Riding the goaltending of Jonathan Quick, the Kings overcame even bigger obstacles. They are only the second No. 8 seed to make it since the conference-based NHL playoff format was introduced in 1993-94. The Edmonton Oilers were the first in 2006.

"It's all about winning here, and eliminating distractions and doing what it takes to be successful," said Brodeur, who led the Devils to Cups in 1995, 2000 and 2003. "That's worked for us this year, and really my entire career. For me, to be a part of that is great. To come to the rink every day during my career, knowing we had a chance to win every night is something special.

"I've had that my whole career here, and that's been a great ride."

While this isn't a glamour series that boasts the likes of a Sidney Crosby, a Steven Stamkos or even a Henrik Lundqvist, it has elements that should help the NHL, and prove entertaining on the ice.

To start, this is an East-West series featuring two of the nation's biggest media markets: Los Angeles and the New York metropolitan area.

The Kings and Devils also present great story lines.

Los Angeles, which heavily courted Kovalchuk in free agency, is making only its second appearance in the Cup finals, having lost in 1993 to Montreal. The Kings are back after a midseason shake-up that saw Sutter replace Terry Murray just before Christmas and a late trade that added skilled scorer Jeff Carter to the lineup. Still, they didn't clinch a playoff berth until the final week of the season.

The Kings have been virtually unstoppable since then. They have posted a 12-2 record in the playoffs and knocked off the three top seeds in the Western Conference ? Vancouver, St. Louis and Phoenix. They have never trailed in a series, winning the first three games in each round.

"Everybody's just clicking," Kings defenseman Drew Doughty said. "People are used to playing with their linemates now. The lines have been the same from the last part of the season. D pairings are the same. It's just getting used to them. Everyone is playing with confidence. Once you start clicking like that, pucks start going in the net for you."

The Devils' story is just as good. They missed the playoffs last season despite retaining Kovalchuk with a $102 million contract that the league said violated its letter of the law. Few expected them to recover this quickly, especially with Brodeur seemingly on his last legs after a sub-par season, and captain Zach Parise returning from a major knee injury. When top center Travis Zajac blew out an Achilles tendon before training camp, the chances of Devils making the finals seemed slim.

Guess again.

New Jersey won its final six games in the regular season, rallied from 3-2 deficit in the opening round of the playoffs with two overtime wins against Florida, and then eliminated the Flyers and Rangers, their two biggest rivals, in five and six games, respectively.

"Last year was tough," said Kovalchuk, who said there was never a doubt in his mind that he would stay in New Jersey. "But we made sure it paid off. We have a great coaching staff, great players here, great group of guys, very close to each other. I think that makes a big difference."

The other thing that should be great is the goaltending.

The 26-year-old Quick leads playoff netminders in goals-against average (1.54) and save percentage (.946). He has eight road wins in as many starts, posting a 1.55 goals-against average and .948 save percentage in those games.

Brodeur is a four-time Vezina Trophy winner. He has played in 24 career Stanley Cup finals games, posting a 15-9 record with a 1.91 goals-against, losing only a series to Colorado in seven games in 2001. The Montreal native is set to become the fifth goaltender in NHL history and first since Jacques Plante in 1970 to appear in the Stanley Cup finals after his 40th birthday:

"Well, everyone knows what he's meant to the league and this team, and where he stands in history," Quick said of the NHL's winningest goaltender. "For me, it's not about me against him. It's about the Kings and the Devils."

The Devils and Kings are very similar in their approaches. Both want to establish the forecheck, create pressure and have it lead to offense. The Kings, who posted a 25-13-11 regular-season record after Sutter took over, are definitely a little bigger than the Rangers, and they certainly have more depth.

Devils defenseman Peter Harrold played five seasons with the Kings before signing with New Jersey this year. He spent the majority of this season at Albany of the AHL, before being inserted into the Devils' postseason rotation. He said both organizations stress team first.

"Everything is about the collective, not the individuals," said Harrold, who says this series will be good for hockey. "It's two really big stages.

"That's what you want to grow the game."

Associated Press

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Small business startup problems? Here's advice and solutions for ...

Small business startup problems are unavoidable. Regardless of what industry or niche your small business focuses on, you'll need to tackle and solve several startup problems common to all businesses looking to get online.

Many startup problems arise from technical issues related to operating a blog, eCommerce store, or website - mainly because small businesses aren't necessarily experienced in PHP, CMS, SEO, blogging, Internet marketing, social media, and so on.

Before we begin, you might want to read a related article entitled "The five stages of launching a successful Internet startup" for more on how to handle Internet startup problems.

If you're an entrepreneur or small business looking to start a website, eCommerce store, or blog, then it's likely that you'll find the the solution you need for these five startup problems you have, or will, encounter.

1. How to get high quality, but affordable small business hosting and domains

The first step in getting a small business startup online is selecting a domain name and finding a suitable hosting provider.

What makes domains and hosting tricky is the overwhelming number of choices and services on offer. It is possible to buy a domain only. It is possible to get a domain with a hosting plan. It is possible to get a domain, hosting plan and website. Anything!

First understand your current small business website requirements, and make sure you have a grasp of what you hope they will be in a year. Then find the service you believe allows your business the affordability to operate now, with the room to grow later.

Here are some of the best domain and hosting services available for small businesses:

2. How to build the right small business website

How you go about creating the right web presence for your business depends on your needs. If you want to sell goods, subscriptions, digital downloads, and anything else, then it is likely you need to go with one of the top eCommerce platforms.

For a simple blog, something like a free WordPress account might suffice. But for more flexible requirements you may need to bring in a developer or use an online site builder that caters for your specific requirements.

Here are some of the best website platforms available for small businesses:

You might also want to check out the following articles that provide a more in-depth look at how to get a professional small business website up and running:

3. How to tackle SEO for small business

With a small business website up and running, the next issue is how to ensure that it is driving traffic and new business optimally.

The majority of all traffic on the Internet originates from search. This makes SEO (Search engine Optimization) important to all business websites.

The problem most businesses have is how to implement proper SEO - since it requires technical, creative, analytical skills and experience. There is also no shortage of dubious SEO services offering actively harmful SEO practices to unwary businesses.

One of the best ways to implement proper SEO, is empowering yourself with sufficient information to make informed decisions.

The following articles and resources will help you to make the best SEO related decisions for your business:

4. Small business Internet marketing how to

SEO practices often overlap those of Internet marketing. However, Internet marketing doesn't focus exclusively on organic search traffic, but rather on:

  • advertising
  • PR
  • media
  • social networks
  • traditional media/

... and so on. Basically anything that can drive traffic and revenue to your business, aside from organic search traffic from search engines.

Many small businesses miss out on the potential of Internet marketing because it requires a persistent and consistent effort with very little initial return - it's a medium to long term investment in time and resources.

With the exception of advertising, which can have a more immediate effect, many Internet marketing activities take time. This is because marketing online still relies on making human connections.

The following articles and resources will show you how to approach small business Internet marketing efficiently:

5. How to maximize ROI and conversions

Finally, once your startup is operating and driving traffic through the search engines and Internet marketing campaigns, it becomes imperative to monitor and analyze visitor traffic patterns and behavior.

With a clear understanding of where people are coming from, who they are, what they are doing on your site, and why they are or aren't converting (a conversion could be signing up to a newsletter, making a purchase, or meeting any stated business objectives), you won't be able to direct your SEO, marketing and development efforts in the right direction.

Proper analysis, creative solutions, and excellent conversion design will all help propel your business to greater popularity and success. The following articles show you exactly how to do this:

Do you run a startup? Have you had to overcome technical and Internet based adversity? If you've been particularly brilliant in overcoming a certain problem, I'd love to share your genius with everyone else.

Share your problems and solutions in the comments and join in the conversation on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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How To Decide The Right Patent Legal professional - Ask Questions

The legal system is crucial to man. It controls the actions of man. Without the authorized system, the best objective can be ruined either by the opposite people or by oneself.

With out laws, there might be disorder and chaos, as a result of each particular person will do something in line with his or her needs with out trying upon the things that may instigate frequent good.

For that reason, a particular legal system is being imposed by every society to make sure uninterrupted monitoring of peace and order scenario in the area.

In essence, the authorized system has an impact on almost the entire features of the society. They have a tendency to link the regulation to the totally different elements in the society.

One of the industries that drastically need the services of an lawyer is the intellectual property rights division.

In this area, a set of restricted rights, generally known as patents, are being granted by the federal government to a person for a predetermined period. These are in exchange for the synchronized, unrestricted expos? of specific options of a way, device, process, or work of any substance, that?s creative, new, useful, or technologically appropriate. These things are also called invention.

These restricted rights present utmost protection for the patent holder in opposition to any imminent use, sale, or claims on a particular invention.

To facilitate the processing of patents, you will need to seek the assistance of a patent attorney. The patent legal professional would be the one responsible in embodying the shopper in buying patents. He will even be responsible in processing any matter topic to patent legislation and preparation.

The definition of a patent attorney is clear and simple. Of course, some individuals are confused as to how paten brokers and patent legal professional differ on its truest sense.

In essence, the term patent attorneys and patent agents are each utilized in some areas. Hence, there are some circumstances wherein the accountability of the patent legal professional could be the similar as patent agent. The only distinction is that the patent legal professional has the total qualifications of a lawyer.

So in choosing the proper patent legal professional, it is very important keep in mind that the individual should be a professional member of the bar to qualify as an officially licensed patent attorney.

To know extra about choosing the proper patent lawyer, here are some tricks to stay by -

1. Do your homework

Earlier than hiring the suitable patent lawyer, it is important that you already know the fundamental nature of the job or service. Attempt to research what a patent legal professional actually is.

Furthermore, the duties of a patent legal professional may differ in accordance with the present paten regulation of a selected country. Hence, it is crucial that you know what your nation states about dependable patent attorneys.

As an example, in the United States, for a person to be recognized as an authorized patent attorney, he must first move the USPTO examination. This examination supplies the required evaluations wanted to determine if a person is endowed with the appropriate data relating to paten laws.

2. Registered patent attorney

Many people can declare that they are patent attorneys. In fact, even if they?d been recognized as patent brokers and even when that they had already been admitted to the bar, however was not duly registered as a training patent attorney, he cannot observe under patent jurisdiction.

3. Find a specialist

There are literally thousands of patent lawyer to decide on from. In fact, not all of them are skilled in this particular field. Some attorneys have taken notable specialization on patent legal guidelines, thus, considering themselves as experts.

Because of this, to establish the correct patent lawyer, it is best to scrutinize first his stage of specialization. Attempting to ask your family members and associates about patent attorneys might only scale back your chance of getting a real patent specialist. Needless to say what works for them may not work for you.

Therefore, it is best to ask those who are in the identical area as well. You could ask some lawyer that you already know and get some referrals concerning the best patent lawyer that can do the job fore you.

Certainly, choosing the proper patent attorney may be very tricky. Chances are you?ll never know the very best among the rest until you already know that he stands out above the others. So, higher verify the background first before hiring one.

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Fake Customer Reviews and Internet Law - Internet Lawyer Blog

Professor Eric Goldman has an excellent post about Internet fake customer reviews: What Are Appropriate Compensatory Damages for 3 Fake Competitor Reviews? The Surprising Answer?Fireworks Restoration v. Hosto.

Nominal actual damages were awarded but $150,000 in punitive damages were slapped against the guy writing negative fake customer reviews against his former business partner.

As I?ve explained to my Internet law clients, there are plenty of ways to compete fairly online without resorting to ?black hat? marketing tactics that end up costing your business far more than you?ll ever make by using them.

Given the importance of online customer reviews to many companies, both Internet-based and brick-and-mortar establishments, this issue will continue to wind its way through the courts because the temptation to post fake negative reviews is simply too great for some to pass up. You see it all the time in reviews on Google, Amazon, etc. Someone with an axe to grind decides to smear the reputation of a company by posting a false customer review.

No one says you have to promote your competitor?s business online. But it?s good practice to treat your competitor?s reputation the same way you?d like your competitor to treat yours when engaging in Internet marketing strategies and tactics.

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Basic Real Estate Investment Tips | Dofollow Social Bookmarking

After the housing turmoil, many householders are devastated because their home prices plummeted to bottom-rock prices. Moreover, banks are offering foreclosure houses at sale costs with a view to recuperate their loss immediately. However, some sensible buyers see the potentials in the plummeting home prices. As Warren Buffett stated, it will be significant for buyers to be fearful when others are greedy and be grasping when others are fearful. On the earth of actual estate investing, the ability to see value in a property is the only way to make profit. Due to this fact, the best time to begin a real property funding is maybe after the housing turmoil as a result of there are such a lot of motivated sellers who?re prepared to promote their homes properly beneath market prices. You?ll be able to read real property investment tips on-line to provide you a better concept on tips on how to begin investing in real estate.

Real property has been a profitable kind of funding for greater than a century. Landlords prior to now took taxes out of people that lived on their property, simply as how landlords today earn cash out of their condominium or duplex rental business. Whatever the investing schooling you bought from faculty, actual property has so many potentials and methods that you may not have recognized, which you should use to earn a very good profit. The fundamental principle is to purchase low and sell high. Another primary precept is to leverage the worth of your property to earn cash flows, instead of letting the property sit idly ready for you to sell the house. To earn an excellent revenue, you?ll want to learn about learn how to buy property, what?s a short sale and how one can benefit from it.

Nearly all of buyers at the moment buy their property from short gross sales, executed by financial institutions reminiscent of banks. Short gross sales normally happen when the householders are in arrears or foreclosures, or the property is in a poor situation, while banks are encouraged to prove a loss each month. Subsequently, brief gross sales are great for individuals who wish to do house flipping. House flipping is a good investment method in actual property, because it does not require some huge cash and you may earn a strong profit out of a home flipping. You can read home flipping how-to on the web and talk to different actual estate buyers in a real property investing forum that will help you make a better-informed determination in your first actual estate funding venture.

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Users Regain Control By Skipping Online Video Ads |

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Users Regain Control By Skipping Online Video Ads

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Users Regain Control By Skipping Online Video Ads

Posted: May 22, 2012 |Comments: 0


var addthis_config = { ?data_track_clickback?:true, ui_language: ?en? }

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Online video ads have become the norm of Internet surfing. Businesses use online video ads to promote products, explain services, or talk about company news. Publishers get paid for promoting business videos with ads on their website. Internet surfers, on the other hand, are looking for any apps that allow for skipping online video ads.

After visiting so many sites, you start to get tired of seeing these video ads. You want to see the video, not watch an ad that?s even longer than the video as you wait for the desired content. Also, these ads place additional streaming time to every video. In this day and age where you pay for every kilobyte, megabyte, and gigabyte used for our Internet connection service, we don?t want to waste allotted data watching ads we have no interest in.

Ways to Skip Video Ads

The more online ads invade videos, the more people will want to skip video ads. There are certain ways you can try to avoid them depending on what type of format the video ad takes.

google_ad_channel = ?7940249670, ? + AB_cat_channel + AB_unit_channel;
google_language = ?en?;
google_ad_region = ?test?;

Ticker Ads

Some videos have tiny ads that run like a ticker at the bottom of the media player screen. Often you can find these ticker ads in YouTube videos. These aren?t as obtrusive as full-blown ads. But if you want to skip them anyway, you can move your mouse pointer to the top-right edge of the ticker. A small ?X? should appear that you can click on to close the ticker ad.

Full Screen Ad

When you have those full-blown video ads that run before the actual content, those are harder to avoid. You?ll find these types of ads commonly attached to news media video. If you want to try to skip ads like these, you can move the media player slider bar forward to a point where the news content starts. But you have to make sure the content has gone through the buffering stage and has fully loaded, or you may have problems getting the rest of the video to load.

Companies are taking advantage of people?s aversions to video ads to introduce new technology that allows you to skip ads by simple pressing on a tab. This software is dependent on the publisher and the video format.

Internet Users No Longer Forced To Watch Video Ads

The more advertisers try to force people to watch video ads, the more problems they will find with people refusing to watch their content. But some companies are taking the initiative with getting rid of the ads in their videos, or introducing software for skipping online video ads as this gives the video control back to the internet users.

About the Author:
Shane Stanley hates having to sit watching ads on the internet so he found a way to skip online ads and made his browsing enjoyable again. There are ways to skip video ads online and SkipIt makes it possible for everyone.
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Tracking atlantic bluefin tuna shows migration secrets

ScienceDaily (May 22, 2012) ? New fish-tagging studies of young bluefin tuna in Atlantic waters off New England by researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst are offering the first fishery-independent, year-round data on dispersal patterns and habitat use for the popular game fish. The availability of miniaturized pop-up satellite tags suitable for smaller (two- to five-year-old) fish helped make the research possible.

Fisheries oceanographer Molly Lutcavage and lead author Benjamin Galuardi say the work shows that scientists now have tools to directly observe bluefin tuna annual migration patterns and vertical habitat use (depth) in the Atlantic and Mediterranean oceans in detail not possible in earlier studies. This new information should lead to better understanding of bluefin tuna ecology, catch patterns and management of wild stocks that provide a multi-million dollar sport fishery from Maine to North Carolina.

Lutcavage, director of UMass Amherst's Marine Research Station and the Large Pelagics Research Center (LPRC) in Gloucester, says, "Our tagging data are important because for the first time we've got direct measurements of bluefin tuna movements and habitat associations. In other words, their travel routes, depth and temperature patterns, and where they intersect with recreational fisheries."

Galuardi, an LPRC scientist and doctoral candidate in the Graduate School of Marine Science at UMass Dartmouth, led the analysis of data returned from pop-up satellite tags used in this study, as well as oceanographic conditions across bluefin migration paths. Details are reported in A recent issue of the Public Library of Science One (PLoS One) journal.

"Knowing the dispersal patterns of these young fish after they leave their nursery grounds and learning their year-round habitat needs are important goals for the commercial fishery of adult bluefin tuna, as well," she adds. For example, these tunas' winter and spring movements and behavior of juveniles have largely been unknown until now.

For this study, Lutcavage, Galuardi and fishermen partners deployed 58 miniature pop-up satellite archival tags (PSAT) and 132 implanted archival tags on juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna between 2005 and 2009. Because only one archival tag was retrieved, data reported are mainly from 26 PSATs.

To deploy the PSATs, fish were caught by hook and line and brought aboard the boat to attach a miniaturized PSAT to the fish's fin by a tether and dart anchored at the base of the fin. These were programmed to record external temperature, depth and daily position based on light sensor readings every 15 minutes and to release after 12 months. Later models also recorded light level. Once at the surface, the PSAT tags transmitted the collected data to receivers on earth-orbiting satellites. The data were then transmitted to the researchers, allowing scientists to trace the fish's journeys and habitat over the previous year.

The authors report that all tagged bluefin tuna remained in the northwest Atlantic for the duration observed, and, in summer months they stayed in coastal waters from Maryland to Cape Cod out to the continental shelf. In the winter, they wandered more widely, exiting the Gulf of Maine and ranging south to the South Atlantic Bight (North Carolina to Florida), the northern Bahamas and the Gulf Stream edge.

Lutcavage and Galuardi found that vertical habitat patterns showed juvenile bluefin primarily occupied shallow depths, averaging about 16 to 40 feet (5 to 12 meters) and relatively warm water, averaging 64 to 70 degrees F (about 18 to 21 degrees C). In winter, they frequented deeper water and showed more variable depth patterns.

"These findings are the first long-term view into a year in the life of a juvenile bluefin tuna in the western Atlantic," Lutcavage notes. "The geographic and vertical concentration of summer habitat had been suspected due to patterns in the recreational fishery, but was not confirmed until this study. In addition, little information existed on what these fish did in winter months when the fishery does not operate. This information provides a window into what areas and conditions are important for growth and survival of juvenile bluefin tuna."

The authors add, "Our tagging results reveal annual dispersal patterns, behavior and oceanographic associations of juvenile Atlantic bluefin tuna that were only surmised in earlier studies. Fishery independent profiling from electronic tagging also provides spatially and temporally explicit information for evaluating dispersal rates, population structure and fisheries catch patterns and supports development of direct assessments."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Massachusetts Amherst, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Benjamin Galuardi, Molly Lutcavage. Dispersal Routes and Habitat Utilization of Juvenile Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Thunnus thynnus, Tracked with Mini PSAT and Archival Tags. PLoS One, 2012 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037829

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Obama's preference for talks with Iran faces test

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama's preferred path to end the Iranian nuclear standoff faces a stern test this week when world powers sit down with Iran in another bid to press it to meet international demands to prove it is not trying to develop nuclear weapons. Failure will strengthen calls for military action.

Wednesday's talks in Baghdad come at a critical juncture in the almost decade-long effort to persuade Iran's government to halt its enrichment of uranium and allow unfettered access to international inspectors, with Israel continuing to speak of a possible attack. Republican rival Mitt Romney also has derided Obama's engagement efforts, putting pressure on the president to deliver progress soon.

The chief of the U.N. nuclear watchdog, Yukiya Amano, was in Tehran on Monday, hoping to reach a deal that would allow the International Atomic Energy Agency to resume a long-stalled search for evidence that Iran worked secretly to build nuclear arms. Amano, on his first visit to Iran since becoming IAEA head in 2009, said his initial meetings were held in a "good atmosphere," suggesting a breakthrough may not be impossible.

At the same time, however, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose country sees Iran as a threat to its very existence, reminded world powers they need to be tough.

"Iran wants to destroy Israel, and it is developing nuclear weapons to fulfill that goal," he said. Iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only.

The Obama administration is being vague about its immediate goals. Despite warning of an increasingly narrow time frame for a negotiated agreement, officials say the discussions in Iraq's capital will gauge Tehran's seriousness and explore elements of a possible agreement. The strategy aims to avoid the all-or-nothing stakes that have derailed previous talks. Even within the administration, attitudes range from skeptical to extremely cautious.

"The pressure will be on the Iranians to demonstrate continued good faith," White House press secretary Jay Carney said last week, calling on Tehran to address its nuclear program "in concrete ways" with the U.S., Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany. He said sanctions and pressure on Iran would continue as well, led by the United States.

Congress is about to negotiate bipartisan legislation to green-light stronger sanctions. The Senate on Monday approved tough new penalties on the Tehran regime, while the House passed its version of the measure in December.

Asked about the objective for Baghdad, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said, "We want to see a really concrete, serious discussion about steps that will demonstrate that we are moving in the right direction."

Obama opposes a near-term military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities and has pressed Israel to give diplomacy and sanctions time to work. He insists that military options are available should talks fail, a position that clashes with Netanyahu and increasingly hawkish Republicans who want him to act even tougher.

Netanyahu in particular has charged the process with being too accommodating to Tehran. "I see no evidence whatsoever that Iran is serious about ending its nuclear program," he said last week.

For all the talk of a positive atmosphere, U.S. officials have struggled to demonstrate any progress so far. They cautiously welcomed last month's opening meeting in Istanbul but pushed off the harder questions until after this week's follow-up talks. Official comments have continued to stress the importance of the process over single rounds of discussions, suggesting there may no breakthrough following the Baghdad meeting.

But patience isn't inexhaustible. Many in the United States have accepted the Jewish state's argument that Iran's enrichment activity may be too far along and buried too deep underground after this summer for Israel to take military action. And a solid majority of Americans support the option of military action against Iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey.

Lengthy negotiations without a clear outcome would enrage Israel because Iran would presumably continue expanding its nuclear program in the meantime. For Obama, however, the talks are a calculated political risk.

On the one hand, they buy his administration some time on a tough decision over possible military action at a time of fevered partisan debate linked to November's presidential election. But if the process collapses before then, it would undermine Obama's claims of sturdy leadership on national security issues, from winding down America's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to killing al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

The U.S.-Israeli disconnect has spilled over repeatedly into America's presidential race, with GOP candidates jockeying throughout the primary season to position themselves as the best defenders of Israel's security. Since emerging as the party's clear nominee, Romney has continued to accuse Obama of sacrificing Israel's interests, arguing several times that his re-election would guarantee Iran's production of a bomb.

But a military response is not without pitfalls, which could explain why Romney has shied away from explicitly threatening American strikes anytime soon.

An attack may set back Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons capability but would be unlikely to deliver a death blow to the program. And Iran can retaliate in several ways against U.S. interests, from disrupting Mideast oil deliveries to supporting proxy terrorists against allies such as Israel or unstable states like Lebanon.

Avoiding these constraints, Republicans have focused their criticism of Obama for holding talks with Iran at all.

"The administration's foolish embrace of yet another round of negotiations will only embolden the regime," said Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., the chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. "The administration has made concession after concession in its negotiations with Iran only to come (home) empty-handed. The Iranian approach seems to be, 'What's mine is mine, and what's yours is negotiable.'"

Ros-Lehtinen referred to diplomatic rumblings suggesting the Obama administration could allow Iran to enrich low-grade uranium if it halted activity at levels closer to weapons-grade material. The United States has long demanded an end to all Iranian enrichment, in line with U.N. Security Council resolutions, along with unfettered access for inspectors and the transfer of already enriched stockpiles out of the country.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and other officials have denied that the U.S. is changing its position on enrichment.

Thus, if Iran maintains a hard line on enriching uranium, even at lower levels for nuclear fuel production, it would put the Obama administration in a difficult spot between joining its international partners who would prefer to meet the Iranians halfway and appearing weak in an election season.

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Court won't reduce student's music download fine

FILE - In this July 30, 2009 file photo, Joel Tenenbaum, from Providence, R.I., poses outside federal court in Boston, after taking the stand in his defense in his copyright-infringement trial. On Monday, May 21, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from Tenenbaum, who was successfully sued by the Recording Industry Association of America for illegally sharing music on peer-to-peer networks. In 2009, a jury ordered Tenenbaum to pay $675,000, or $22,500 for each song he illegally downloaded and shared.(AP Photo/Bizuayehu Tesfaye, File)

FILE - In this July 30, 2009 file photo, Joel Tenenbaum, from Providence, R.I., poses outside federal court in Boston, after taking the stand in his defense in his copyright-infringement trial. On Monday, May 21, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from Tenenbaum, who was successfully sued by the Recording Industry Association of America for illegally sharing music on peer-to-peer networks. In 2009, a jury ordered Tenenbaum to pay $675,000, or $22,500 for each song he illegally downloaded and shared.(AP Photo/Bizuayehu Tesfaye, File)

FILE - In this March 28, 2012 file photo, the Supreme Court is seen in Washington. The Supreme Court won't reduce the $675,000 verdict against a Boston University student who illegally downloaded 30 songs and shared them on the Internet. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak, File)

(AP) ? A former Boston University student who was ordered to pay $675,000 for illegally downloading and sharing 30 songs on the Internet says he will continue fighting the penalty, despite the Supreme Court's refusal Monday to hear his appeal.

Joel Tenenbaum, 28, of Providence, R.I., said he's hoping a federal judge will reduce the amount.

"I can't believe the system would uphold a six-figure damages amount for downloading 30 songs on a file-sharing system that everybody used," Tenenbaum said. "I can't believe the court would uphold something that ludicrous."

A jury in 2009 ordered Tenenbaum to pay $675,000, or $22,500 per song, after the Recording Industry Association of America sued him on behalf of four record labels, including Sony BMG Music Entertainment and Warner Brothers Records Inc. A federal judge called the penalty unconstitutionally excessive and reduced the award to $67,500, but the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals later reinstated it.

The 1st Circuit said a new judge assigned to the case could reduce the award again, but the record labels would then be entitled to a new trial.

Tenenbaum, who said he just graduated Sunday from the university with a doctorate in statistical physics, said he doesn't have the money to pay the judgment.

"I've been working on a graduate student's stipend for six years now and I have no such money," he said.

Tenenbaum argued that the U.S. Copyright Act is unconstitutional and that Congress did not intend the law to impose liability or damages when the copyright infringements amount to "consumer copying."

During the trial, Tenenbaum admitted he downloaded and shared hundreds of songs by Green Day, Nirvana, The Smashing Pumpkins and others. His lawyer suggested the damages should be as little as 99 cents per song, about the same amount Tenenbaum would have to pay for a legal online song purchase.

Lawyers for the recording industry argued that illegal downloading hurt the recording industry by reducing income and profits. A lawyer for the recording labels described Tenenbaum as a "hardcore" copyright infringer.

""We're pleased with this decision," RIAA spokeswoman Cara Duckworth said after the Supreme Court's announcement Monday.

In the only other music-downloading case against an individual to go to trial, a judge last year reduced the penalty imposed on a Minnesota woman from $1.5 million to $54,000. An appeals court has scheduled arguments for next month in the case of Jammie Thomas-Rasset.


Associated Press

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Monday, May 21, 2012

Serbians vote for president under threat of protest

BELGRADE (Reuters) - Pro-Western incumbent Boris Tadic and rightist Tomislav Nikolic went head to head on Sunday in a tense run-off election for Serbian president and the right to lead the struggling nation into talks on joining the European Union.

Despite economic stagnation and rising unemployment, Tadic is tipped to defeat Nikolic for the third time since 2004 as Serbia slowly sheds the legacy of a decade of war and isolation under late strongman Slobodan Milosevic.

A Tadic victory would keep power firmly in the hands of his Democratic Party.

But opposition allegations of fraud in parliamentary and first-round presidential elections two weeks ago could cause an upset, or cast a shadow over the result of the run-off if Nikolic carries out a threat to call supporters into the streets.

"After all the unfulfilled promises and corruption under Tadic, I believe Serbia needs to be refreshed and that's why I voted for Nikolic," voter Miodrag Petrovic, a 38-year-old marketing executive, said shortly after polling stations opened at 7 a.m. (0500 GMT).

Election authorities and foreign monitors found no evidence of the 500,000 votes Nikolic says were forged in the parliamentary and first-round presidential polls.

Nikolic's Serbian Progressive Party says its monitors will confiscate ballot boxes and close polling stations if they observe irregularities.

"Our intention is to fight. What else can we do?" Nikolic's deputy, Aleksandar Vucic, told Serbian state television. "We are running to beat the thieves and liars."

A former member of the ultranationalist Radical Party, Nikolic was in government with Milosevic when Serbia was bombed by NATO in 1999, but since last losing to Tadic in 2008 he has tried to reinvent himself as a pro-European conservative.

Tadic, who beat Nikolic by less than one percentage point in the first round, says his opponent's change in direction is purely cosmetic.

Handing power to Nikolic, he says, would slam the brakes on reform and reverse the process of reconciliation between Serbia and its ex-Yugoslav neighbours since Milosevic's ouster in 2000.

"We haven't crossed the Rubicon, but we are on the verge of it, and that's why we need another five-year term to consolidate the process," Tadic, 54, told Reuters in an interview.


The lean, tanned and telegenic Tadic, campaigning in rolled-up sleeves and open-necked shirt, is seen as a safe pair of hands in a region that has seen enough loose cannons.

Nikolic, 60, is a dour former cemetery manager. A stiff and uninspiring orator, his straight-talking, man-of-the-people manner nevertheless appeals to rural Serbs and voters tired of the grinding transition from socialism to capitalism.

"Nikolic is a man of the past," said Ksenija Govedarica, 54, a schoolteacher in the capital's Socialist-era Novi Beograd (New Belgrade) municipality. "Tadic is also feeble and unconvincing, but I voted for the lesser evil. And at least Tadic is much better looking."

The West is watching closely, encouraged by Nikolic's conversion to the ultimate aim of EU membership but unsure about the substance of his policy or his capacity to rule.

At least rhetorically, the two sides differ little in economic policy or their approach to Kosovo, Serbia's former province where Belgrade is propping up a de facto ethnic partition four years after the Albanian-majority territory declared independence.

The EU made Serbia, population 7.3 million, an official candidate for membership in March, and could set a date for talks early next year if Belgrade takes steps to improve relations with Kosovo.

A Nikolic victory would likely usher in a difficult period of "cohabitation" with a Democrat-led government. Under the constitution, the prime minister is more powerful than the president, but the head of state can hold up legislation.

Nikolic's party narrowly won the parliamentary vote but the Democrats, who came second, are widely expected to make a coalition deal with the Socialists and form a government.

Nikolic accuses Tadic of overseeing a creeping culture of cronyism, deepening government control over the media and an economic slide that has seen unemployment reach 24 percent.

The economy will struggle to avoid stagnation this year, pummelled by the crisis in the euro zone, the Balkans' main source of investment and trade.

Political uncertainty has seen the dinar currency fall 5.81 percent against the euro this year, and in January the International Monetary Fund froze a standby loan deal over Serbia's rising budget deficit and public debt.

Analysts say the next government will have to cap pensions and public sector wages, cut jobs in state-run companies and accelerate the sale of key state assets.

Polls close at 8 p.m. (1800 GMT). An unofficial projection of results is expected by 10 p.m. (2000 GMT).

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Priscilla Chan Wedding Dress: Details Revealed!

While Mark Zuckerberg was taking Facebook public, his longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan was quietly putting the final touches on her wedding gown.

In a surprise relationship status update, Zuckerberg and Chan married Saturday in a small, unannounced ceremony at their home in Palo Alto, Calif.

The bride looked stunning in Claire Pettibone’s “Sky Between the Branches” gown, an ivory laser-cut floral dress with matte sequins lined in silk.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Wedding Photo

The gown featured subtle cutouts in the overlay, plus an illusion jewel neckline, sheer back and chapel-length train. Chan's dress retails for $4,700.

Pettibone, a Los Angeles-based designer, has also created wedding dresses for stars like Mad Men's Elisabeth Moss and American Idol's Tamyra Gray.

Guests thought they were merely coming over for a surprise party to celebrate Chan’s graduation from medical school at the University of California.

However, the couple, who met at Harvard more than nine years ago, had been planning the low-key wedding for more than four months.

Given that Facebook stock is already down $4 today, at least Mark has something to smile about ... well that and being worth tens of billions.

Congratulations to the newlyweds again!

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Internet Marketing On Mobile Web And T-Mobile 4G Networks For ...

LocalNet360-Last September 2010, Google announced at a New York trade show that YouTube had become the number two (#2) search engine on the internet and that by 2015 about 50% of all online ads would be pay per view videos. As expected, in the next 3-4 years, Internet usage is going to multiply by up to 10 times what it is today due to the availability of the next generation of cell phone service called 4G. While it is still early for most small businesses to buy into the concept of online marketing, the truth is that now is the time to get started to build your Company?s presence online. In this article, we will discuss the importance of buying in to Online marketing to increase business as the availability of 4G skyrockets.

Mobile Web And 4G Marketing-Good or Bad?

Within the next 3-4 years, the 4G network is expected to be available in every city in the United States. What this means for businesses is an increase of real-time searches for your company, thanks to faster download and uploading times and/or streaming of content for websites on phones. No longer will potential customers be tied down to a PC or laptop on an Internet connection in order to conduct research or find a company that fits their needs. In fact, the majority of your customer searches will soon come from a mobile web search run on a 4G network.

It is estimated that a good 90% of all site views will be coming from a SmartPhone user browsing for a company that fits their needs on mobile web by 2015. In fact, in the past year where 4G was tested in select markets, the number of local searches nearly doubled, even though total market penetration is still small. What does this mean for your small business?

As more and more customers begin searching on the go, your business could significantly benefit. Being readily available on the internet through sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube can significantly improve your business volume. Take YouTube for an example. Currently, roughly 24 hours worth of video is uploaded every minute, which equates to about 35,000 hours, or roughly 4 years of video content daily. With the increased availability of 4G networks, and download speeds of up to 12 Mbps, streaming a video from YouTube could take as little as a few seconds. In fact, most SmartPhones using a 3G or 4G network already offer applications to watch YouTube videos on the go.

Investing time to properly advertise your business on the Internet will pay off. As more and more customers begin searching for companies on the go, your business should follow suit. If you begin getting your name out there now, the less you have to do when 4G markets become available in your market and also nationwide. Even expanding into test sites can significantly improve traffic to your website within the next few months.

Of course, the expansion of mobile web and 4G are but examples of how the Internet can be used for marketing the products and services of small businesses. And that should the market for 4G networks continue to grow as suggested by Google, many small businesses can begin to use this evolving resource to help grow their businesses regardless of whether they develop specific promotions or choose to use mobile advertising in a more general way such as highlighting the company?s products or services.

As you begin to develop and/or expand your presence on the Internet for your business consider this: Websites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are good solutions to help jumpstart your mobile marketing campaigns online, as most major sites already offer mobile versions of their main sites. However, you will need to develop more comprehensive strategies, since no one way will work for all businesses as you begin to build a customer base that you can then market to online on a regular basis. As stated earlier in this series, in order to rise above the crowd you will need more than just a website. Therefore, implementing several Internet based solutions over the next 12-24 months will be critical to the long term success for virtually every small and local business in America.

Internet Marketing by LocalNet360

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