Sunday, August 26, 2012

Weinstein extortion suspect's lawyer: Don't rush to judgment

NEW YORK ( - An attorney for the aspiring actor accused of trying to extort millions from Harvey Weinstein and others says not to "rush to judgment."

"Before we rush to judgment, we need to wait until all of the facts are in," said Charleston, W. Va. attorney Troy N. Giatras said in a statement. "We are still in the process of gathering those facts. I have had limited discussions with my client and expect to have more when he arrives in West Virginia in the coming week."

Shah, who has appeared in small roles in "Bones," "Outsourced," and "The Dark Knight," was arrested two weeks ago. The West Hollywood resident is accused of threatening to kill at least one member of Cline's family if Cline didn't wire the money to an offshore account, authorities said.

A criminal complaint said Shah sought handgun training only days before he was arrested.

An affidavit in the case said Shah tried to shake down four other people besides Cline. One of the alleged victims, identified in the complaint only as "a Connecticut resident and co-founder of a movie studio," was Weinstein, the co-founder of Miramax and The Weinstein Company.

Shah is charged with two counts of interference with commerce by threats and two counts of transmitting threatening communications in interstate commerce. If convicted, he could be sentenced to forty years in prison.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Eight reasons why Windows 8 Is NOT for you

Second in a series. To upgrade or not to upgrade, that is the question. With the public release of Windows 8 following closely around the corner, it's time to sit down and take a good look at what makes Windows 8 a worthwhile upgrade, which is why I've prepared a list of eight important Windows 8 features that shouldn't be the reason for everyone to upgrade to the latest desktop operating system from Microsoft.

Windows 8 is a mixed bag, and it's all because of its new UI -- and there's no escaping the fact that it will always be one of the most controversial features and one of the most debated "benefits" of adopting the latest version of the popular operating system. In all honestly, judging Windows 8 by its new interface alone is like judging a book by its cover, so let's dive a little deeper into the newly added features of Windows 8 and dissect the ones that do not make it a worthwhile upgrade for everyone.

If my colleague Wayne Williams has "Eight good reasons to upgrade to Windows 8", I have eight good reasons why you shouldn't upgrade. So without further ado...

1. Faster, but negligibly so. With all the added benefits one has to wonder: "just how fast is it?" Well, according to the benchmarks the difference isn't substantial in day-to-day use, the performance assessments focusing on differences that will hardly ever be noticed by Windows 8 users that do not use benchmarks.

An extra few points in Google V8 will go unnoticed in terms of browsing experience when modern browsers in Windows 7 are already fast to start with. Boot-up times are indeed much improved, but shaving a few seconds when booting is like starting a car faster; not going to make any real difference unless the user constantly restarts the computer, which commonsense dictates is an unlikely scenario. The same can be said about gaming or multimedia performance, which improves to a point where only benchmarks and timers can pinpoint the difference.

Basically unless you want to squeeze that last tiny drop of performance, you're better off sticking to the version already installed.

2. Windows 8 Store lacks relevance and is immature. The first issue with the store is that it's mainly designed for Windows UI apps, leaving the aquisition of Desktop apps to the developer which makes it look like an afterthought. The second and most important is the insignificant number of applications available through Windows 8 store compared to the plethora of apps designed for the "Desktop Windows" making it just a gimmick until the platform matures; it can take some time to take off which is why a rushed upgrade is a bad idea. Facebook, Google+, Instagram are all missing right now, and these are just three examples off the top of my head.

3. Microsoft account is required. Windows 8 provides two methods of authentication, one using a local account and the second relying on a Microsoft account. The only way to get access to complete Windows 8 functionality is to use the latter, basically forcing you to apply for a Microsoft account in order to benefit from all features. Want to use a Google account? Tough luck. Features like Windows Store only work with Microsoft account. If you do not have one or do not want to create one just for Windows 8 you're out of luck.

4. SkyDrive integration only. Microsoft places its own services in the first lines of "assault", which can be viewed as a good thing in terms of added functionality, but at the same time doesn't offer an alternative to the people out there using Google Drive or Dropbox that have already paid for extra storage space on the popular cloud storage providers. Then there is the issue of all cloud data being stored on Microsoft's own servers, which might not sit well with some users as far as privacy concerns go.

5. Windows Defender can't replace a dedicated security software suite. While it provides a certain basic degree of security, Windows Defender?is still pretty far away in terms of overall functionality compared to dedicated security software suites and it still doesn't integrate with Windows Firewall to provide a unified interface for the integrated security software. It's addressed only for basic security needs which basically means that it can't offer the same degree of protection as a fully fledged security suite.

6. Multiple monitor support is only useful to some. Because let's face it, this does not target every Windows user like some of the features do. It has a limited applicability because of the obvious hardware requirements and having the ability to separate the new Windows 8 UI from the Desktop on two separate monitors is not necessarily important when the old Desktop did just fine before. A similar functionality exists already that allows to separate working spaces on multiple monitors; this is just as good when there are not two different interfaces to play with, but just the older Desktop.

7. The new ribbon desktop interface is different, but not necessarily improved. A few months ago Microsoft decided that an Aero-like look a la Windows 7 is not worthy of Windows 8 and accordingly has removed all transparency effects from the desktop interface. The change was made for the sake of using less resources, directly benefiting tablets not desktops. It's not necessarily better looking and it certainly doesn't provide extra functionality over the older Windows Explorer which is important when defining the term "upgrade." Same functionality, just the look is different.

8. Windows 8 UI has a higher learning curve and makes simple operations more complicated. A good example of how the new UI makes Windows 8 seem unintuitive is power options, as performing simple operations like shutting down the computer is for some reason more complicated to do than it was with Windows XP or Windows 7. This is just an example of how the learning curve in Windows 8 is higher than with any other desktop operating system to come from Microsoft. Then there is the confusion added by a separate interface. Pressing a button switches from Desktop to Windows 8 UI and vice-versa, which will only encumber inexperienced users that were used to a single place to conduct all operations.

Make an Informed Decision

Windows 8 is not for everyone and it might not even be for you, so why not think it through? It's easy to get swooped by "new features", but what happens if the new features don't bring anything new to the table and only give you what you already have and need? Right now as it stands Windows 8 is just an early adopter exercise with plenty of the benefits being nullified by its infancy, which is why rushing into upgrading can be the worst decision you ever made.

With that said, what is your reason for wanting to upgrade or for that matter what's your reason for not wanting to?

Photo Credit:?Petr Z/Shutterstock


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Celebrity Semester: FIU community hears from stars of music ...

FIU?s campuses were a popular stop this year. See who stopped by.

By Martin Haro ?05

Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman, The New York Times foreign affairs columnist, headlined the February 2012 Geopolitical Summit, which focused on the crisis posed by the global economic recession. Speaking in the Graham Center Ballrooms at Modesto A. Maidique Campus, the journalist warned that Americans are not making the progress they need to survive the global economic turmoil, and that the American Dream will be lost if students don?t up their game. ?Average is officially over.? he said. ?Everyone has to find their extra-value added.?

Hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons, the legendary founder of the Def Jam record label and philanthropist, kicked off the Student Government Association-BBC Lectures Series in February by encouraging students to be passionate about what they do. ?Life is like a movie ? you want to make sure you play the part in your life you want to play,? he said. ?Find a way to be a leader, not a sheep.?

Journalist Sam Sifton, The New York Times national editor, discussed ?Election 2012: How The New York Times Covers the Run for the Presidency? in March with a full house of students, alumni and faculty in the Mary Ann Wolfe Theater, as part of the BBC series. He focused on how journalism has evolved and, in particular, how social media like Twitter have changed the way journalists cover stories.

Actor Adrian Grenier from HBO?s Entourage shared how he navigated the ?hyperrealism? of Hollywood, as well as what it was like for him to live the life of an in-demand actor ?in a hall of mirrors.? He described how for a while he would walk into any room in Tinseltown and feel ?that immediate and almost complete sense of approval? and what that does to the ego, as well as his thoughts on the cult of celebrity, images and the media. The actor was so determined to get his point across at the March event he even brought a visual aid: his 2010 documentary Teenage Paparazzo, which screened before his lecture.

Chilean author Isabel Allende charmed more than 500 in March with her honesty and wit. Allende came to FIU to receive the Creative Writing Program?s Lawrence Sanders Award, which recognizes fiction writers whose work combines literary excellence with popular appeal. In a candid and funny hour-long chat with Creative Writing Professor Debra Dean, Allende revealed quite a bit of herself to her fans.

?The person I am is the summary of everything else that has happened ? the good and the bad,? Allende said. ?Now that I?m 70 years old, I look back and say, ?What would I change?? I don?t think I would change anything. Of course, I?d want my daughter to be alive, but I am very happy she lived 28 years?. The joyful moments don?t teach you anything. It?s the suffering, the stress, the losses that make you the person you are.?

Fashion publicist Kelly Cutrone discussed with BBC students in April what it took to launch her own successful company, People?s Revolution, as well as her views on the ever-changing communications landscape.

Transgender activist Chaz Bono ? best known as the only child of Cher and Sonny ? spoke at BBC in April about his experiences making the transition from female to male. Bono chronicled his journey in his 2011 book, Transition: The Story of How I Became a Man, and shared stories about gaining acceptance from his family. He also addressed a range of LGBT issues, including marriage equality, the portrayal of gays and lesbians in the media and issues related to the coming out process.

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Is there a link between ADHD and spectacular financial failures?

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Is there a link between ADHD and spectacular financial failures?
Researchers speculate that the brain networks behind ADHD may also be associated with 'suboptimal' economic decisionsIn 1902, George Still, the father of British paediatrics, gave one of the earliest descriptions of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), calling it a "moral defect without general impairment of intellect" characterised by an "abnormal incapacity for sustained attention".

Source: TheGuardian
Posted on: Wednesday, Aug 22, 2012, 7:19am
Views: 24


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

FTC clears Facebook acquisition of Instagram

By Reuters

Antonio Bronic / Reuters file

A photo illustration shows the applications Facebook and Instagram on the screen of an iPhone in Zagreb on April 9 when Facebook announced it will acquire the photo-sharing application Instagram.

SAN FRANCISCO?-- The U.S. Federal Trade Commission cleared Facebook Inc.'s acquisition of Instagram on Wednesday, voting unanimously to close its investigation into the deal without taking any action.

The move frees Facebook to complete its acquisition of the mobile photo application maker, the biggest acquisition in Facebook's history. Facebook announced plans to acquire Instagram in a cash and stock deal for $1 billion in April.

The deal is currently valued at $747.1 million, based on the closing $19.44 closing price of Facebook's shares on Wednesday.

Facebook said in a statement that it was pleased that the FTC has cleared the transaction. The company did not provide a further update on the timing of the deal, which it has said it expects to close by the end of the year.

CNBC's Julia Boorstin reports on Facebook's Q1 earnings, adding that the company's $1B acquisition of Instagram breaks down to $300M in cash and 23 million shares in common stock.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Useful Print And Online Magazines For Web Designers ...

One of the advantages of working in a creative industry is the number of designers and developers who take their craft seriously. The design community shines in one regard in particular: the design community seems to be less willing to hoard knowledge and skills. Instead, we present them, elaborate on them and keep improving on each other?s techniques ? among other media ? magazines and books.

In this overview of useful magazines you?ll find everything from purely online publications to monthly, glossy print editions, where all subjects relevant to art and design are being investigated in colorful, eloquent detail.

Print And Digital Indie Publications

The Manual
Three beautiful A5 handcrafted hardback books-magazines a year, each one with a bit over 100 pages. The Manual delivers intelligent and critical thinking, and voices on the ?Why?? of Web design, taking the reader to a deeper and richer level of work. Published by Andy McMillan, edited by Carolyn Wood, and designed by Jez Burrows, you can get it for 25$.

CODEX, The Journal of Typography
An infrequent 164 page magazine with feature articles, book and typeface reviews, interviews, type history, essays and type design ? from typography experts. The first issue was released in spring of 2011, the second one is coming out in summer of 2012. The Codex magazine is only available in print and PDF version (8$).

Offscreen Mag: The People Behind Bits & Pixels
Offscreen is a high-quality print magazine created, edited, designed and published by Kai Brach, issued three to four times a year, and available online for 17,90$. With each issue built around six lengthy interviews, it explores the off-screen life and work of people who create websites and apps, and tells their stories of creativity, passion and hard work.

Offscreen Magazine

A magazine dedicated to visual communication, graphic design and typography. It is aimed at both professionals and beginners in typography, font design, graphic design and education, as well as marketing and visual communication specialists. The magazine is published quarterly. All 34 issues between 2003 and 2008 are also available in PDF.

?If you could only use eight typefaces for the rest of your life, which would you choose?? This is the core question of 8faces, which ? amongst many others ? is asked to leading designers from the fields of Web design, print design, illustration and type design. With each issue (printed on heavy stock and pressed at just 2000 limited editions), this is definitely a collector?s item, and only 19?. Designed and edited by Elliot Jay Stocks, 8faces is also available as a PDF.

Image credit: Typetoken.

A quarterly journal about design and technology. Each issue contains three well-researched essays with opinions from day-to-day practitioners who speak out on contentious issues. Distance comes in both digital and print formats (digital 5$, print 15$), the digital bundles contain ePub, Kindle, and PDF editions.

Distance - 2nd Issue
Distance - 2nd Issue
Image credit: Brent Knepper.

Process Journal
The Melbourne-based quarterly publication Process Journal exhibits designers and their work on 96 pages (at a format slightly larger than A4). These high-quality prints (25$) and their congruent iPad app are dedicated to the artistry of design.

Process Journal

Ferocious Quarterly
A printed publication (with a handy size of around A5) featuring illustrators, graphic artists, short fiction authors and written text. Ferocious Quarterly calls itself an ongoing exercise in curation and collaboration, and has been released yearly since its first edition in 2010 (12$).

Ammo Magazine
The independent, UK-based Ammo Magazine is dedicated to illustrations and their creators. This cute little A6 Landscape publication (with thick 160 g pages) displays it feature illustrations in full color on 64 pages and for the cute price of 5?. Best of all, the editors refuse to let editions go out of print. Find it in their shop, in print format only.

Ammo Magazine

In Graphics is a printed magazine from Berlin that features only infographics. It?s released twice a year, and bilingually in German and English and available on Amazon for 14,90?. Its 96 pages cover challenging topics from politics and economics to architecture, TV shows, culture, entertainment and the environment ? very interesting and fascinating content for visual people who have a love for details.

An autonomous publication designed and cared for by students and dedicated to showcasing student and graduate artwork (both on and offline). Plog is issued four times a year, in print, and with a limited run of 1000 issues. It can be ordered online (or purchased in many leading stores and universities around the UK) for 3?.

Image credit:

This Australian Adelaide-based magazine talks about design, culture and lifestyle around the world ? all in a small-world context. Collect is about people, ?neighborhoods? and a revival of quality print media. This 64 pages print-only publication comes out every two months for 5$.

Collect Magazine

IdN Magazine
A publication for creative people which wants to be exactly what its initials declare: an International designers? Network. The magazine features creative designs, works, projects and events from around the globe. Each issue is sold world-wide (17,50$), published bimonthly, available in English and Chinese, and connected with feeds such as iTunes Podcasts and Video. Each issue comes with a DVD, which presents a theme-based, visual compilation of IdN magazine.

Hacker Monthly
The print magazine version of Hacker News features the top-voted articles from it?s mother-website, ranging from coffee guides to design and coding philosophy ? anything goes. Available in glossy print (9$) and various digital formats (3$) (PDF, MOBI, EPUB) this magazine is often gorgeously illustrated, curated by Lim Cheng Soon.

Hacker Monthly

A fair-minded magazine that celebrates cultural diversity and deals with current social issues through an abundance of photography and unambiguous text. With its single-subject publications, Colors explores each theme with creative virtuosity on non-glossy, recycled pages. The monthly publication is available in print in most book stores or via an iPad app.

Colors Magazine

Online Publications

Think Quarterly
Google?s Think Quarterly looks like an online magazine (but Google calls it a book on its website). The articles are in-depth insights and outlooks on the digital future from visionaries, heads of industry, innovators and experts. It?s issued about three times per year, and with a very good look: clean lines and minimalism mixed with colorful art and images.

This online-only publication presents the works of Germany?s best designers and firms. Even though it requires fluency in the German language, the content of this magazine is varied with serious journalism, and is well worth browsing if you can read the language. The content ranges from design industry facts and news to interviews ? of which there are many ? focused around one main theme in every issue.


Appliness is a digital magazine edited by passionate developers for passionate developers. Available on iPad and Android tablets, and funded by Adobe.


The Great Discontent is a journal for artists, by artists, and about artists. This online publication concentrates on interviews focusing on subjects that are close to the community?s heart ? creativity, risk and connections. This illustrated journal churns out a new interview every Tuesday.


Method & Craft
This small magazine focuses on the ?making-ofs? within the design industry. Their contributions take on an educational aspect when they discuss the techniques or motivations behind design pieces in different formats ? articles, interviews, videos and notes. Available only on the website, this journal continuously publishes new and interesting content.

Method & Craft

Contents is an online magazine about content strategy, online publishing and new-school editorial work. It?s aimed at everyone who creates, edits, publishes, analyzes or cares for internet content. The issues run six to eight weeks, and each one has a set of annotations that links to thematically related work.


GOOD Magazine
GOOD is a very well-done online magazine, a collaboration of individuals, businesses, and non-profits who ? besides doing many other great things ? have made this magazine ?for people who give a damn?, and care about what is sustainable, prosperous, productive and creative.

GOOD magazine

TXP Magazine
TXP Magazine is the mouthpiece and discussion center to the world the good ol? Textpattern project. With two issues already published and one issue every two to three month planed, this publication aims at providing the best publishing system conceived, discusses topics with the community and features expert in the field. However, TXP also features topics that aren?t directly related to Textpattern, so even if you aren?t using the CMS, you might want to check the magazine as well.

TXP Magazine

Form And Future
This magazine?s tag line says it all; ?A Journal for New Designers?. This small online publication specializes on featuring interviews with accomplished designer. Their goal is to allay fears of beginners and help them stay the course. This very young publication releases several interviews per month.

Further Resources

Magpile is a Web community for magazine lovers. In it you can browse through your friends? lists of publications, show off your own stockpile of magazines and put together a wish list of issues you?ve been craving to read. With it?s growing wiki-like database of publications. Magpile represents one of the most comprehensive archives of Magazine titles.


No Layout
No Layout is a no-frills digital library for independent art and fashion publishers. Freely accessible from any platform, all featured magazines are all only readable online. It is meant as a promotional and archive tool for any topic-related media.

No Layout

Mag Is In
This dynamic Italian project is an archive as well as a prophet of contemporary independent magazines. They are dedicated to spreading consciousness about the excellence of current magazines. The creators are planing to complement their online presence with an exhibition to introduce indie magazines to non-expert audiences.

Counter-Print is committed to promoting art and design related products. While this is not a free website, they sell all sorts of educational materials that a designer might need. From posters to vintage books, their large selection caters to designers? specialized requirements. All of their materials are in print formats.

What Publications Do You Read?

What print and online publications would you recommend and why? An important magazine is missing? Share your tips and pointers with the community by leaving the comments below!

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Smashing Editorial

Sven (sl), Vitaly (vf), Iris (il), Jan (jc) and Esther (ea) love high-quality content and care about little details. They also believe that good content and design are crafts worth sharpening.

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Real Estate Basics | Class Act Homes

Real estate is a term used within legal groups to refer to a content article of property.

It also refers to all the developments done for the land. This includes all the creating and the fence around the terrain. If there are any other innovations on the land such as boreholes or perhaps water wells they?re also included included in the property.

Nevertheless, if you?ll find any innovations on the territory that are portable, they won?t be regarded as part of the real estate. This is because, once the immovable parts of the land are believed as part of this. If you sell as well as buy the terrain, you will get these kinds of parts santa maria real estate.

However, the movable fixtures can be viewed as house of the existing owner. They can be sold or perhaps removed from the actual land at any time.

Real estate can be governed by the set of laws. They rule aspects like jurisdiction, purchasing and development of land.

Real-estate is mainly categorized into a couple of main sections. There is commercial and residential. Commercial essentially refers to the fiscal aspect or business element of real estate. It entails the investing for a variety of purposes.

Underneath this department, there are a number regarding professionals. For instance, to establish the value of the territory, there is the evaluator. There is also a broker who assists in the cost negotiation between the buyer and the seller.

Occasionally, there is the adviser who helps with the selling and buying. This agent helps both sides in that, he helps the customer to find home for sale.

On the other hand, he helps the retailers to find purchasers. These brokers are normally licensed and in most cases are usually paid on commission schedule. In place of a representative, a marketer may be put in control.

In this department land could be constantly designed so from to increase the value inside the markets.For this reason, there are land developers.
In addition there are property professionals who are normally in charge of taking care of property with respect to an owner. They must ensure that the property is well held at all times.

Non commercial normally is the term for property which has been set aside with regard to occupancy. There are many kinds of such components that are categorized as this department. These include condos, apartments, houses and town houses.

Owning a home ? This specific mainly is related to the real estate. It involves the particular leasing, renting, buying and selling in the property. Apart from the acquisition, additionally, it involves the property ownership.

The main goal of this kind of purchase is to create profits. For this reason, investors will develop and handle their property really well so as to ensure that they obtain good prices for this.

Investment is not low-cost by any means. The funding to get started is generally substantial. Nonetheless, there are a number associated with options that will investors can use to enable them to make investments Santa Maria ca real estate. One of these alternatives is the home mortgage.

Like any type of investment, there are many of dangers involved in the committing to real estate. If your are not careful, they could effortlessly lose their particular investment as a whole.

If an trader lacks sufficient cash flow, they may be forced straight into selling their home at a price much lesser as opposed to actual value of the property. For this reason, to invest in real estate, you need adequate cashflow at all times.

Another risk linked to this purchase is scams and damaged practices. Discover careful, it is possible to lose your money by getting tricked. There are many people posing as real estate agents selling ?ghost houses? or perhaps damaged residence.

The profits that include the right assets are very substantial. This is why company moguls such as Donald Trump have a lots of such investments.
There are a number of methods to get several real estate property. For example, you can try to find market entries in order to find the particular properties on sale. You can also find offered property through contacting the particular agent.

Rentals are also sold through public auctions and private sales. Nevertheless, whichever method you select, you have to ensure that you search and ensure how the acquisition procedure is authorized.


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Stupid Ways to Spend Your Money #13 -... | Gather

Stupid Ways to Spend Your Money #13

Speculative Investments including

Commodities, stock options, FOREX, day trading, etc.

..Some products, services, and investments that are highly advertised (even here on are simply bad and expensive products, things with many fine prints, and some are simply run as scams and fraudulent schemes.? This post covers tax refund loan which appears every tax season.

In Wikipedia, speculative investing in the U.S. is described this way:

Commodities - Commodities include:

  • Energy Products - petroleum, propane, coal, crude oil, and natural gas
  • Meat Products - pork bellies, hogs, and even live cattle
  • Grain Products - wheat, rice, corn, oat, and soybean
  • Soft Products - sugar, cocoa, coffee, cotton, and even orange juice
  • Metal Commodities - gold, silver, and even copper, metal commodities

Of all the precious metals, gold is the most popular as an investment. Investors generally buy gold as a hedge or harbor against economic, political, or social fiat currency crises (including investment market declines, burgeoning national debt, currency failure, inflation, war and social unrest). The gold market is subject to speculation as are other markets, especially through the use of futures contracts and derivatives. The history of the gold standard, the role of gold reserves in central banking, gold's low correlation with other commodity prices, and its pricing in relation to fiat currencies during the late-2000s financial crisis, suggest that gold behaves more like a currency than a commodity.

Pro for Commodities:

  • Hedge Against Inflation - One of the primary advantages associated with investing in commodities is that they act as a barrier against inflation.
  • Increased Portfolio Diversity - They add diversity to your portfolio. Different types of assets react differently to fluctuations in the market, which can cause the value of your portfolio to increase or decrease over time.

Cons for Commodities investing

  • Market Volatility - They are considered to be extremely volatile compared to other types of investments. This means they carry a higher degree of risk.
  • Loss Potential - There is no guarantee that you can make a pofit with commodities.

Stock option - In finance, an option is a derivative financial instrument that specifies a contract between two parties for a future transaction on an asset at a reference price (the strike). The buyer of the option gains the right, but not the obligation, to engage in that transaction, while the seller incurs the corresponding obligation to fulfill the transaction. The price of an option derives from the difference between the reference price and the value of the underlying asset (commonly a stock, a bond, a currency or a futures contract) plus a premium based on the time remaining until the expiration of the option. Other types of options exist, and options can in principle be created for any type of valuable asset.

  • Pros of stock option: It gives you some sense of control over your own financial future. If the stock rises, your financial stability rises with it, especially if you purchased the stock at a reduced rate.
  • Cons: On the flip side, owning too much company stock can have its drawbacks. Just ask the employees of Enron, WorldCom, Lehman Brothers and even General Motors (Stock Quote: GM). Some companies place limitations on how much stock you can buy and sell, which limits your ability to freely manage your assets, especially if the stock should start to slide.

FOREX - The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a form of exchange for the global decentralized trading of international currencies. Financial centers around the world function as anchors of trading between a wide range of different types of buyers and sellers around the clock, with the exception of weekends. The foreign exchange market determines the relative values of different currencies.

The foreign exchange market assists international trade and investment by enabling currency conversion. For example, it permits a business in the United States to import goods from the European Union member states especially Eurozone members and pay Euros, even though its income is in United States dollars. It also supports direct speculation in the value of currencies, and the carry trade, speculation based on the interest rate differential between two currencies.

Pros of FOREX trading

  • Leverage - Foreign exchange markets give investors a lot of leverage when trading.
  • Round-the-clock trading - The markets are open 24 hours a day, five days a week.
  • Lower fees - Fewer fees involved, in comparison to other markets like the stock exchange.
  • Online services and tools - You can trade from the comfort of your own home.
  • Automated trading software - You can use automated trading software that can make transactions for you depending on how you programmed the software.

Cons of FOREX trading

  • Volatility - One of the biggest disadvantages of the forex market is that it is fast and volatile. Although this means that you can make money fast, the downside is that you can lose money just as fast as well.
  • Leverage can work against you - Although good leverage can help you make bigger investments with smaller capital, it can also lead to losses that are greater than what you initially invested.
  • Online connections may fail - Your Internet connection may fail, causing you more problems.
  • Scammers - Perhaps the most dangerous downside of forex trading is that there are many scammers out there looking to steal your identity, your money, or your financial information. Scams range from phishing scams and hacking scams to fraudulent companies and fake software.
  • 24-hour market changes - Although a 24-hour trade market can be convenient, it can also work against you. The fact that the market works around the clock means that prices and values can change at any time of the day.

Day trading - refers to the practice of speculation in securities, specifically buying and selling financial instruments within the same trading day, such that all positions are usually closed before the market close for the trading day. Traders who participate in day trading are called active traders or day traders. Traders who trade in this capacity with the motive of profit, assume the capital markets role of speculator.? Some of the more commonly day-traded financial instruments are stocks, stock options, currencies, and a host of futures contracts such as equity index futures, interest rate futures, and commodity futures.

Pros of day trading

  • The most touted pro of day trading is that it can earn you serious money, provided that you can afford to take the risk, understand the inner workings of the marketplace and have a well thought out strategy.
  • Day traders play a role in the overall marketplace, thanks to arbitrage --?a common day trading strategy that involves identifying market discrepancies.

Cons of day trading

  • The bottom line is that day trading carries a high risk. There is never a guarantee that you will make money. In fact, according to the SEC, "day traders typically suffer severe financial losses in their first few months of trading."
  • Day trading is expensive. You need software and the right computers to spot the price variations and access the necessary financial information.
  • Because you may acquire capital losses and gains as a day trader, taxation can become a nightmare. Short-term capital gains, which are places on assets held for less than a year, are taxed at your income tax rate.
  • You need to have risk capital, or money you can "afford" to lose, to protect yourself. The SEC also requires?that day traders have a minimum of $25,000 in their account at the end of the trading day if they plan on making at least four round-trip day trades over a five-day period.
  • Another potentially negative aspect of day trading is that it is highly volatile, chasing after fractional changes.
  • Day trading also comes with a steep learning curve and the chance you can fail. It is a high-pressure, stressful job that takes discipline and strategy, and you can't let your emotions influence your trading decisions.

Remedy - In all these investment methods outlined, several common threads become obvious:

  • An investor must possess high level of detailed understanding of the trades
  • These investments are volatile, speculative, and carry high level of risk
  • Investors can lose all or more of their investment if they borrow on margins
  • Most speculative investors lose big sooner or later

My advice is: if you don?t understand it, avoid investing in these highly speculative investment methods. ?Many such investors will tell you the same. ?These investments go against the KISS principle: if you can't explain the concept to a 4th grader, it's too complicated for YOU.

Save up emergency fund, and use debit card. Save up and pay cash for purchases. If you don't have the money, you can't afford it.? And most of all, spend less than you earn.

Next post will discuss Real estate / rental properties / flips

If I missed any topic that you want me to bring up, drop me a suggestion

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The Best Kept Secret in Marketing

I have worked with a number of coaches.

And most of them are so busy working with clients that they forget about building their own personal brand.

I get it?can?t say I have mastered that one yet either.

But holding workshops and booking speaking engagements isn?t exactly part of my job description. For coaches and thought leaders though, it is an important part of how you get clients and sometimes ? more often than not hopefully ? get paid.

This is where the secret marketing weapon comes in.

Lets say, for example, you recently did such a fantastic turnaround with a client that you coached yourself out of a job. This sweet moment of completing what you had promised by helping them achieve their goals is hit with a bitter slap in the face that now, alas, you must find another client to replace them.

For some, the referrals you are getting will keep you working literally until you die. For others, your project-to-project, client-to-client scramble is driving you crazy and barely keeping the lights on.

Either way, what I am about to tell you will change your life forever, should you choose to accept it (queue Mission: Impossible theme song).

Secrets, Secrets Are No Fun (Unless They?re Yours to Tell!)

Here it is:


Simple, yes. Common, no.

The number of coaches that I?ve met who tell me writing a book has never crossed their mind STILL confuses me. Every. Single. Time.

This should be the next goal on every coach?s list. It should be the thing you wake up thinking about and what you go to bed dreaming about, because very few cost effective tools left in this world have the power to set you apart like being an author does.

Thought Leader, Expert, Pioneer

What marvelous titles these are. And ones that I know are the aspiration and heart?s desire for so many coaches and entrepreneurs.

To be deemed different, decidedly special, and uniquely set apart in their industry is a quest that many attempt but most just end up in the middle of the pack.

By writing a book, your value proposition to clients goes well beyond that of just any other coach. You have instantly been set apart from a solid majority of the world, as well as from those in your industry.

A published author carries a particular gravitas rivaled only by those who spent too many years and too many thousands acquiring the Ph.D, MD, or JD that follows their name.

Because just like each of those titles, ?author? stays with you forever.

Think About It

I would say, most people would agree that authors write books because they have something unique to say. There is some method that they have enough confidence and experience in to know that it is better than the current way of doing things, and they simply need an outlet to be able to tell the world.

This more or less common agreement about the authority and credibility of anyone considered an ?author? automatically gets assigned to you the moment you publish your book.

You become a a part of an exclusive group of people who know more on a topic than others, so much so that you had to write a book to help catch everyone else up.

For you as a coach, writing a book is like an introduction to what it could be like to work with you. Maybe it includes your case studies, your insights, your process.

Whatever it is, however you frame it, it is a product that adds to your perceived value regardless of how many pages it is or even how well written it is (though I am not suggesting you disregard the quality of writing, but I?d be lying if I said it was of utmost importance to still make an impact on your marketing efforts).

3 Well-Worth-the-Investment Benefits

The multitude of benefits for your brand, your marketing efforts, and your bank account are likely beyond what I? have observed at this point, but here are a few to get your mouth watering:

1.? Authors with books out have something for others to ?write home about?.

A book gives people something they can share and discuss, all revolving around your name and ideas. It gives you something interesting to write a press release out about, opening you up to exposure by reporters who will have a reason to quote you for their stories and keep you as their ?expert on call?. A book qualifies you as a potential qualified guest for TV and radio shows. Did we mention bloggers and book review sites? Big time press, small time price.

2.? Authors have something they can offer a new client or a potential client as a valuable take away.

Yeah, it may cost you a few bucks to give it away from time to time when you really want to impress a potential client?but so does every other method of client acquisition. So why not have a method that not only makes an impression, but actually adds perceived value to who you are and what you offer?

3.? Authors may not be best sellers, but can still make a heck of a living off their book.

Yeah, so maybe no New York Times Best-sellers have crossed my client list (not yet anyway). But that doesn?t mean they didn?t make money off their book. Maybe the cash-flow from book sales didn?t afford them a 2nd home, but the higher profile speaking engagements, higher priced workshops they held, and the higher premiums they could charge sure did.

The Skinny

So even if your the coach who has a steady flow of clients, writing a book will give you that extra boost you needed on your ?resume? to? charge more for the same work.

As for the coach often scrambling to find a client, it is my personal observation that writing a book can help you land more clients, more speaking opportunities, and give you more credibility to those potential clients? trying to decide between hiring you and someone else.

So while the formal publishing industry is falling apart, self publishing is on the verge of being the next hottest marketing trend. Few are talking about it, and even fewer are doing it.

But it is coming.

So I?d suggest getting ahead of the curve before falling behind it. And you don?t have to go at it alone. We?ve walked a number of clients through the process and can certainly help you too.

We know the best companies to work with and the small details along the way that make for a quick turnaround and quality final product.

All you have to decide is what you will do with all that fame and fortune headed your way :)

Photo courtesy of


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Blog Archive ? Seeking Good Tips About Credit Cards? Look Below ...

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These days it is important that consumers get all of the advice that they can get to advise them against overspending. Credit cards can either be an excellent tool for building your financial life or a huge liability that can wreak havoc on your finances. Read the following tips to learn how to manage credit responsibly and what to avoid.

If you want to avoid losing a credit card, you will have to use it on a regular basis. If you don?t use your account, that makes the company no profit, so they may just shut down the account and barely warn you about it. Try using your credit cards to pay for things you have the money for, and then pay off the credit cards immediately afterwards.

TIP! If your credit card charges you a late fee, try calling and asking to have the fee dropped. In response to being a good customer, your fee may be waived.

Always try to pay off your balance in full. Unless your card is currently offering you % interest, carrying a balance from month to month will incur interest and finance charges. If you pay only the minimum amount due, it will take you a longer to pay off the amount owed because of finance charges.

Set a firm budget for your finances. It can be tempting to start spending as soon as you get a new credit card. Fight the temptation. Make sure you have a budget put into place prior to making use of the card. Stick to it and you can avoid any future problems.

Keep a regular eye on your credit reports so you will be aware of how well you handle your accounts. This is great for knowing how well you and your financial institutions are handling your credit. Try to note any cases of reporting errors. If there is one, contact both the credit card company as well as disputing the error with the credit bureau.

TIP! The first step to conquering credit card debt is a strong dedication to paying off the larger accounts. Financial well-being starts with a healthy credit score, and a credit card is a big part of this.

If you opt to close a credit card account, always make sure to destroy the card. If you decide to throw it into a drawer or give it to your child to play with, it could end up in someone?s hands, and they could use the information to reopen the account and charge up debt in your name.

Never use a credit card to withdraw money from an ATM or for casino chips. Credit card companies normally charge high fees for gambling transactions, as well as cash advances. Because of this, you should ensure you are only using your cards for these things during emergencies.

TIP! Save money by asking credit card companies to offer you a lower interest rate on your charges. As long as you have a good credit history, you should be able to get yourself a much better rate.

Don?t believe that interest rates they offer you are concrete and are staying that way. Credit card issuers have several interest rates they can use at their discretion. If you do not like your current rate, get in contact with your bank and request for a change.

If your mailbox is not secure, do not request credit cards through the mail. Many credit card thieves say they got their cards from unsecured mailboxes.

Pay your credit card bill on time every month. Late payments often result in a significant penalty charge. This fee could be as high $25, even if you are only one day late making your payment. If you make more lots of late payments, the fee may rise every month.

TIP! When you travel, bring two cards along; that is especially true for foreign travel. This gives you financial options in every situation, especially if the cards are from different banks or are different types of cards.

Do not just set your credit card statement aside when you receive it. Go over it with a fine tooth comb to make sure all the charges listed are legitimate. Make sure you try and do this as often as possible. If you put it off, you are more likely to forget to check or forget the transactions in question. If you wait, you may also forfeit your chance to resolve any problems that arise.

In conclusion, consumers often fall victim to the negative effects of credit cards, such as high interest rates. This article has covered how to use your credit card responsible, so you now have the tools needed to be a responsible consumer

Only keep the credit cards on you that you intend to use. This way you can keep track of them and will notice if they should go missing. Theft is rampant in our society today, so remember to be aware of where you place your credit cards. If you think a credit card is missing, contact the credit card company immediately and ask that they cancel your card.

Tags>> credit cards | finance charges | interest rates

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    Sunday, August 19, 2012

    Wash. residents go home near fire, crews still 'on edge'

    SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) ? As hundreds of residents in Washington and California were allowed to return to homes once threatened by major wildfires, some people were told to evacuate as encroaching blazes neared Idaho towns.

    The towns of Pine and Featherville remained in the path of a 113-square-mile wildfire that has been burning for two weeks. Authorities had been asking residents to prepare to leave.

    "It's a very active, very dangerous fire," said fire information officer Steve Till. Crews "were prepared for it but civilians are probably much better not being here."

    Till said Friday that projections show the fire could reach the towns within 24 to 36 hours. The blaze has also stranded the tiny town of Atlanta to the north because the roads leading in and out of it were under threat, he said.

    Authorities also warned residents to leave ahead of a nearing wildfire in Custer County. The sheriff's office told some residents that if they did not evacuate by Friday evening, officials could not guarantee their safety.

    To the west, many residents in Washington state were returning to the south and east sides of a 35-square mile blaze near the town of Cle Elum in the Cascade Range, about 75 miles east of Seattle. That fire burned out of control for much of the week, destroying burned 48 residential properties and 15 other structures on the east side of the Cascades.

    "Some people will find their homes there and others will find homes damaged or even lost," said Mick Mueller, a spokesman at the fire command center.

    About 900 firefighters and eight helicopters were still building a line around the fire, which started Monday at a bridge construction project and exploded through dry grass, brush and trees. More than 400 people fled their homes.

    "The folks will have to be working among fallers dropping hazardous trees and utility crews working to get the power back on in there," Mueller said. "And firefighters are still working in there trying to put out hot spots."

    Fire danger remained high in the area, with hot, dry weather and a chance for storms and lightning expected Saturday evening.

    "We're kind of on edge about that," Mueller said.

    Crews in California made progress on some of the nearly dozen wildfires burning across that state. About 400 residents were allowed to return home in a rural area of San Diego County in the southern part of the state.

    Flames came within a half-mile of some houses but none burned in the communities of Ranchita and San Felipe.


    Associated Press writers Doug Esser in Seattle and Jessie L. Bonner in Boise, Idaho, contributed to this report.


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    Assad makes rare appearance as Syrians stage Eid protests

    President Bashar al-Assad made a rare public appearance for the Muslim holiday of Eid on Sunday as activists staged protests across Syria to rage against the regime.

    The new UN peace envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, said it is no longer a question of "preventing civil war" in Syria but rather stopping it.

    Assad joined prayers at a Damascus mosque for the Eid al-Fitr festival, his first appearance in a public place since a bomb blast last month killed four top security officials, although he has been seen on television since then.

    But despite the religious holiday, his forces were still in deadly action on the ground, shelling several rebel hubs and clashing with opposition fighters in Damascus itself, a monitoring group said.

    Six children, one as young as five and including four from the same extended family, were killed by shelling near their home in the rebel-held town of Maaret al-Numan in the northwestern province of Idlib, said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

    In all, at least 56 people -- including 22 civilians -- were killed on the first day of Eid, the festival celebrated by Muslims to mark the end of the holy month of Ramadan, the Britain-based group said.

    UN observers were winding up their troubled mission on Sunday in the face of the escalating violence and a failure by world powers to agree on how to tackle Assad and bring about peace to the strategically vital Middle East state.

    Syrians joined prayers and staged demonstrations for Eid, taking place for the second year under the shadow of a conflict the Observatory says has now claimed 23,000 lives while the UN gives a death toll of 17,000.

    "Eid is here, Eid is here, God curse you, O Bashar," protesters in Qudsaya in Damascus province sang to the tune of Jingle Bells, according to amateur video posted on YouTube.

    "There is no Eid for Bashar, nothing is holy for him. They are willing to strike anywhere, mosques, hospitals, bakeries, children. What kind of Eid is this?" Abu Issa, a 39-year-old builder in Aleppo, asked an AFP correspondent.

    Several families said they would not make the traditional visit to cemeteries to place flowers on the tombs of departed loved ones because of security fears.

    "The children in the Old City district are sad because there are no sweets, no food, no gifts, no new clothes this Eid," added a young man from the central city of Homs who gave his name as Abu Bilal.

    While demonstrators called for the fall of the regime, Assad himself joined top government and ruling Baath party officials at Eid prayers in Al-Hamad mosque.

    "Syria will triumph against the Western-American plot being supported by the Wahhabis and takfiris," or Sunni Muslim hardliners, said imam Sheikh Mohammed Kheir Ghantus, echoing the regime's long-standing rhetoric.

    Assad, from the minority Alawite community of an offshoot of Shia Islam, has characterised the conflict as a battle against a foreign "terrorist" plot aided by the West and its allies in the region, led by Sunni powerhouse Saudi Arabia.

    -- German and British spies --


    Press reports said on Sunday that British and German spies were involved in covert operations to help Syrian rebels.

    "We can be proud of the significant contribution we are making to the fall of the Assad regime," an official from Germany's BND foreign intelligence service told Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

    The paper said German spies were stationed on a boat off the Syrian coast and also active at a NATO base in Turkey, a one-time Syria ally whose government is now staunchly opposed to Assad and is sheltering Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebels.

    Britain's Sunday Times said British intelligence was helping rebels launch successful attacks on government forces with information gathered from their listening posts in nearby Cyprus.

    It said the most valuable intelligence has been about the movements of troops towards Aleppo, the scene of fierce fighting.

    The UN observer mission was due to end at midnight on Sunday, just days after new international envoy Brahimi was named to replace Kofi Annan.

    Brahimi, a veteran Algerian diplomat, has won support from the West as well as China and Russia, and even Syria itself, although the White House said it would be seeking clarifications on the terms of his mandate.

    "A civil war, it is the cruellest kind of conflict, when a neighbour kills his neighbour and sometimes his brother, it is the worst of conflicts," Brahimi said in an interview with France 24 television in Paris.

    "There are a lot of people who say that we must avoid civil war in Syria, me I believe that we are already there for some time now. What's necessary is to stop the civil war and that is not going to be easy."

    Turkish authorities on Sunday crossed the Syrian border to distribute humanitarian aid to hundreds of Syrians who have been forced from their homes and are massed at the border, emergency officials in the region said.

    The authorities handed out food and other supplies just across the border from the southern Turkish town of Reyhanli, officials told Turkey's Anatolia news agency.

    What began in March 2011 as a peaceful uprising has descended into an armed revolt with fighting reaching the two main cities of Damascus and Aleppo and atrocities reported on both sides, but particularly by the regime.

    The West is demanding that Assad step down as part of any political deal but is opposed by Syria's traditional allies in Moscow and Beijing which see it as foreign-imposed regime change.


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    Saturday, August 18, 2012

    Obamas get personal as a way to get election votes

    FILE - In this Aug. 14, 2012 file photo, U.S. President Barack Obama greets his supporters during a campaign event in Waterloo, Iowa. The world's two biggest economies are entering the final stages of political campaigns to pick their national leaders. While American candidates wage loud, rah-rah campaigns with a clear timetable as they head toward the Nov. 6 presidential election, China hasn?t even announced the date for this fall?s Communist Party congress that will appoint the next top leader to replace outgoing Hu Jintao - a post widely expected to go to Vice President Xi Jinping. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

    FILE - In this Aug. 14, 2012 file photo, U.S. President Barack Obama greets his supporters during a campaign event in Waterloo, Iowa. The world's two biggest economies are entering the final stages of political campaigns to pick their national leaders. While American candidates wage loud, rah-rah campaigns with a clear timetable as they head toward the Nov. 6 presidential election, China hasn?t even announced the date for this fall?s Communist Party congress that will appoint the next top leader to replace outgoing Hu Jintao - a post widely expected to go to Vice President Xi Jinping. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

    (AP) ? President Barack Obama talks about his single mother's struggles and the grandmother who helped raise him. He tells voters he misses his wife when they're apart, and she tells voters he's still cute, even with gray hair.

    The president and first lady have been frequently sharing personal tidbits on the campaign trail, seeking to remind people of one big reason they voted for Obama in the first place ? a lot of them like him personally. The president is also countering Republican rival Mitt Romney's assertions that Obama is running a campaign of division and hate.

    But it's not all family stories. Obama also is pummeling Romney with negative television ads.

    Associated Press


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    Why Use Limo Services for Your Wedding ? Scope Articles

    For many people, luxury and luxury is necessary especially when they are going for an occasion or perhaps a holiday. That is why there are numerous Limos, most of which are used for business and leisure. Each week, organizations providing limo services acquire many booking demands them to offer these facilities from various customers.

    Each client usually has his or her own particular need when it comes to hiring Limousine Video companies. Some want to go to an invent in style, some want to win over their lovers by taking them on a passionate night out, others desire to make lasting memories among others simply want to enjoy themselves in vogue after a long full week.
    Weddings are one area in which limos come in handy. Many a bride wants her wedding being the most memorable day of her lifetime. Both the bride along with the groom spend enormous sums of cash in order to make this day unforgettable not just in them but to their family and friends as well. The actual couples often commit countless hours carefully organizing the event down to the past detail.
    They make certain the wedding dress and also the suit match with the actual theme of the wedding. These people order the cake days in advance to avoid disappointments and more importantly the groom makes sure he has the rings. Transport is often the lowest thing in most lovers wedding plan. They amount that they will simply use their friends? vehicles for the event.
    Nevertheless, if you want to truly make an impression on your friends and family and make your special day memorable, you ought to seriously consider hiring a Limo program. The first thing men and women you have invited for the wedding will set their eyes on is the car in which you will get to. Hiring a limo will certainly make sure you have the attention of your friends during the wedding. It helps you set the tone with the wedding as people watch you come out of the automobile and they will be excited and mesmerized.
    Various other benefits of hiring Limousine Video companies are their benefit and safety. The bride to be and groom need not worry about traffic. The actual limo services have professionally trained drivers who observe all the principles and take all precautions. They have years of experience and know all the routes extremely well.
    They may be polite, respectful and also professional. The limos contain the most recent security features such as airbags and other sophisticated technological tools to be able to make sure you occur safely at your wedding. That they limos also come with entertainment features such as audio and video players, and a personal privacy lock to give the happy couple complete privacy and luxury.

    For more information about Limousine Video visit our website.

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    Basic Care of Laminate Flooring | Home improvement knowledge

    Laminate flooring?is made using several layers of synthetic materials held together by lamination. Its designs simulate wood or even stone although these are actually just photographic appliqu?s with a clear protective layer that gives off a quality finish. The inner core layer is composed of melamine resin and fiber board materials to give it durability. To enable ease of installation, some laminate flooring has glue backing. It is just as attractive as carpets, but longer-lasting yet less expensive that natural floor materials.

    A?laminate?is produced by putting together two or more layers of various kinds of material. The process used to create laminates is called?lamination, where flat materials are layered, encased in clear plastic before heat or pressure is applied then sealed with an adhesive.

    Floor laminates must be kept clean because dust, dirt and sand particles ? left behind due to heavy foot traffic ? may scratch the decorative surface over time. It is also important to keep them dry because water and moisture may result in the swelling and warping of the tougher materials inside the laminate although some brands have protective water-resistant coatings.

    Water spills must not be allowed to sit for long periods of time lest you want them to leave marks or make it difficult to clean them up.? People who have become wiser now place adhesive felt pads underneath legs of furniture to avoid scratching the flooring material.

    One thing to watch out for is the amount of glue used to seal laminates. Less glue means less holding strength. The result is that?laminate flooring?will gradually separate leaving visible gaps on floor planks. This problem must be addressed immediately. The best way to put floor planks back together is to use an appropriate tool and tap them back in to close the gaps before dust settles in. Once dust accumulates between these spaces, it will no longer be possible to close the gap.

    Better yet, you can choose a different type of?laminate flooring?(Pergo or Uniclic), which are glue-less? and are held together using corner mechanisms that hold floor planks better under constant tension thus preventing them from accumulating dust particles. With this type, you can be sure there will be little to no gaps between planks.

    You can then enjoy a variety of designs for floor laminates at less the cost as long as you know how to properly care for this type of flooring.



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    Friday, August 17, 2012

    The G*M*S Magazine Podcast Boardgames Edition ? Episode 53 ...

    spiel-logoAgain that time for a new episode of the G*M*S Magazine podcast Boardgame Edition with another interview.

    This episode is really excellent because I had the pleasure of interviewing Dominique Metzler, one of the two amazing people who organise Spiel in Essen every year and for the last 15 years.

    Dominique is part of a family with great roots in board gaming. Her step-father started Spiel quit some time ago and she?s taken the reigns and run with that convention to turn it into the biggest boardgame convention on the planet.

    Dominique very kindly talks about the whys and why-nots of a trade show like Spiel, and also why it hasn?t taken off in other countries or why she?s decided not to organise shows in different countries too.

    Dr. Mike and I talk a lot, and you?ll be surprised, maybe horrified, but certainly amused to hear he?s declared war against Monopoly!

    Yes. From now on, no Monopoly set within sight of the Doctor is safe and its pieces will be used for purposes that will become only so clear in the podcast.

    Please feel free to send us your comments on They are always welcome and we promise to listen carefully.

    Hope you enjoy the show!

    If you have enjoyed this podcast, please consider donating a small amount of money to help us with the on-going costs of hosting the website and podcast.

    Thank you for your support.

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