Saturday, March 31, 2012

Decorating for Easter Holiday | Family Holiday


Welcome to spring and Easter holiday time. Easter and spring freshen and brighten our houses with their colorful decorating ideas every year. This new spring season that is accompanied with Easter holiday invites every housewife to do changes in their homes. Spring is known for renewals, delicate fresh bright colors and fluffy smelly flowers, which are well-known as Easter?s and spring?s designers that we all recommend and use to freshen up our homes for the coming spring and Easter. These special days of Easter are right around the corner. There?s no better way to add a festive touch to your home than decorating it with Easter stuff to create festive and colorful whimsy. Fresh flowers, colored Easter eggs, Easter egg wreath, Easter nesting bowls and plates, moss runner and place-mats, typical Easter bunny and candy colored egg decor are part of plenty Easter decorations indoors and out that any Easter holiday-loving will love. If Interested in decorating your own house for Easter holiday and are getting ready to celebrate then take a look.

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Thales announces deliveries in software-defined radio networking ...


New Delhi : French defence major Thales Friday announced its first deliveries in software-defined radio (SDR) networking lab solution that enables armed forces to carry out operations in a network-centric battlefield environment, the firm's officials said here Friday.

The SDR networking land enables armed forces, the customers for such products, to develop and adapt their own SDR-standard waveforms and integrate them with SDR platforms, said Patrice Caine, Thales vice-president in charge of radio communications business, at a press conference at the defence exposition here.

The SDR Networking Lab is a complete set of tools and solutions that let users define, develop and adapt new generations of waveforms with high data rate and network-centric capabilities.

These waveforms can subsequently be ported to SDR systems compliant with the software communications architecture (SCA) international standard.

With the shift to network-centric operations, the SDR Networking Lab gives armed forces and defence organisations the ability to develop their own network waveforms to meet their specific operational requirements, with guaranteed joint and combined forces and international inter-operability.

"Thales is proud to announce these first successes with the SDR Networking Lab, which confirm our position as a key partner in the development of SDR technologies and standards," Caine said.

"At a time when almost all operations are conducted by coalition forces, SDR, with its unique capacity for interoperability, is a crucial component in the continuing evolution of the digitised battlespace," he added.

Thales is involved in the European Secure Software Defined Radio (ESSOR) programme and is an active contributing member of the Wireless Innovation Forum.

During recent testing in real conditions, Thales and US electronic major Rockwell Collins FlexNet SDR have achieved a two megabits per second data rate at a range of 35 km.

The data rate is four times greater than previously fielded for the FlexNet radios. This success confirms FlexNet position as the heart of the most advanced digital battlefield solutions.

This high bandwidth broadband connectivity is essential on the modern battlefield, as Command, Control, Communication, Computing, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) applications are presenting ever increasing demand for higher data rates to exchange battlefield intelligence and situation awareness information.

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Friday, March 30, 2012

CDC Estimates 1 in 88 Children in United States Has Been ...

CDC data help communities better serve these children

Atlanta, GA--(ENEWSPF)--March 29, 2012. ?The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1 in 88 children in the United States has been identified as having an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), according to a new study released today that looked at data from 14 communities.? Autism spectrum disorders are almost five times more common among boys than girls ? with 1 in 54 boys identified.

The number of children identified with ASDs ranged from 1 in 210 children in Alabama to 1 in 47 children in Utah.? The largest increases were among Hispanic and black children.

The report, Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorders ? Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 14 Sites, United States, 2008, provides autism prevalence estimates from 14 areas. It was published today in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

?This information paints a picture of the magnitude of the condition across our country and helps us understand how communities identify children with autism,? said Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.? ?That is why HHS and our entire administration has been working hard to improve the lives of people living with autism spectrum disorders and their families by improving research, support, and services.?

?One thing the data tells us with certainty ? there are more children and families that need help,? said CDC Director Thomas Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. ?We must continue to track autism spectrum disorders because this is the information communities need to guide improvements in services to help children.?

The results of CDC?s study highlight the importance of the Obama administration?s efforts to address the needs of people with ASDs, including the work of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The IACC?s charge is to facilitate ASD research, screening, intervention, and education.? As part of this effort, the National Institutes of Health has invested in research to identify possible risk factors and effective therapies for people with ASDs.

Study results from the 2008 surveillance year show 11.3 per 1,000 8-year-old children have been identified as having an ASD.? This marks a 23 percent increase since the last report in 2009.? Some of this increase is due to the way children are identified, diagnosed and served in their communities, although exactly how much is due to these factors is unknown.? ?To understand more, we need to keep accelerating our research into risk factors and causes of autism spectrum disorders,? said Coleen Boyle, Ph.D., M.S.Hyg., director of CDC?s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.?

The study also shows more children are being diagnosed by age 3, an increase from 12 percent for children born in 1994 to 18 percent for children born in 2000. ?Unfortunately, 40 percent of the children in this study aren?t getting a diagnosis until after age 4. We are working hard to change that,? said Boyle.

The most important thing for parents to do is to act quickly whenever there is a concern about a child?s development.?

  • Talk to your child?s doctor about your concerns.
  • Call your local early intervention program or school system for an assessment.?
  • Remember you do not need a diagnosis to access services for your child.

To learn more about this study, visit

For information on CDC?s tools to help families track their child?s development, visit

To learn more about the research CDC is doing on autism, visit

To learn more about the Administration?s commitment to combating autism, visit? Web Site Icon.?



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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spaniards strike against "unstoppable" job reforms

MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spanish workers staged a general strike on Thursday to protest against labor reforms which the government declared "unstoppable" but many ignored the action, fearing for their jobs in a country with the EU's highest unemployment rate.

Factories across the nation were silent and ports closed, while television and transport were disrupted by the strike against the austerity policies of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy - whom Spaniards elected by a landslide only four months ago.

Police arrested a number of protesters in Madrid while small-scale violence flared in Barcelona, Spain's second city. Tourists were locked out of the Alhambra, a 14th-century Moorish palace in the southern city of Granada which is one of Europe's great cultural monuments.

Strikers promised a wave of protests to confront Rajoy's conservative government over reforms making it cheaper for companies to fire staff and dismantling a nationwide system of collective pay bargaining.

"We don't have much hope, but this is just the beginning," said Trini Cuesta, a 58-year-old employee at a public hospital in Barcelona. "It's not just about labor reform, we're against policies that are provoking social and economic ruin. Social protests must rise."

Spain is tipping into its second recession since the end of 2009 and some observers expect at least another million people to join already swollen unemployment lines. The jobless rate is already 23 percent and almost half of under 25-year-olds are out of work.


For an interactive timeline on Austerity protests click on



Rajoy's government said it was committed to making labor reforms which it argues will help to reduce unemployment by making the labor market more efficient. "The agenda for reform is unstoppable," Labor Minister Fatima Banez said on Thursday.

Police presence was particularly heavy around parliament where politicians were putting in a longer work day than usual as Rajoy sought approval for five different measures, including funding for indebted local governments to pay suppliers.

Spaniards have so far been tolerant of Rajoy's efforts to reform the labor market and meet strict European Union-imposed deficit goals to ensure it avoids a Greek-style debt crisis.

But the general strike, the first since September 2010, showed that patience may be wearing thin. The largest union put support for the strike at 77 percent while the government said the work day was proceeding normally but gave no overall tally.

Spain's blue chip index fell 0.87 percent, its eighth consecutive session of declines as concerns over the country's finances returned.

There were pockets of violence in Barcelona, where protesters set garbage bins on fire and threw chairs from the famed outdoor cafes of Spain's second largest city onto the street, but no injuries were reported.

Union members waving red flags gathered in major cities where they plastered stickers on shop windows reading "Closed for Strike", though many remained open for business.

Police barricaded parliament and arrested 58 people in Madrid, many of whom were trying to stop people going to work.


Many workers crossed the picket lines, saying they feared losing their jobs or unwilling to lose the average of around 100 euros which will be docked from the pay cheques of the strikers.

While many Spaniards are fighting to preserve protection for their jobs, others are on short-term contracts of typically six months with little protection.

These workers fear their employers could punish strikers by failing to renew their contracts when they expire, and give the job instead to one of the army of unemployed.

Fewer than a fifth of Spanish employees are currently affiliated with the country's two biggest unions and many feel they don't represent the wider workforce.

"A lot of people actually blame the unions in part for the rigidity in the labor market and lack of competitiveness, so they aren't exactly in the position to rally a lot of people and the support for the strike reflects that," said David Bach, political analyst at IE business school in Madrid.

However, union members are ready for a long fight. "This is the largest cut of (workers') rights since anyone can remember. There has to be a better way to get out of this crisis," UGT union employee Marta Lois, 40, said on Madrid's main street Gran Via, where protesters blocked traffic early on Thursday.

"Don't forget this is just the first major event of what is likely going to be a long year of demonstrations against government policies," Antonio Barroso, political analyst with Eurasia Group said.

Rajoy said on Tuesday his administration would pass a "very, very, austere budget" on Friday. His goal of cutting the deficit this year to 5.3 percent of gross domestic product implies nominal cuts of at least 35 billion euros ($46.63 billion).

The cuts are meant to keep borrowing costs down as well as working towards meeting the EU's 3 percent deficit limit next year, but some economists say they will deepen the looming recession.


The strike halted overnight production at factories from Barcelona in the north to Cadiz in the south, with unions reporting full stoppages at General Motors Espana, Renault, ArcelorMittal and Acerinox.

Transport employees provided a basic level of service, meaning one in four buses and about a third of metro and local trains were expected to run. Most domestic and European flights were grounded although long-haul services continued.

"We're offering the government a chance to start a different path (of reform) in search of wider consensus," Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, head of Spain's largest union Comisiones Obreras said. "If not there will be rising social conflict."

Despite the promises to push on with reforms aimed at winning approval from Brussels, Rajoy's People's Party suffered a surprise setback in a regional election on Sunday, meaning he must measure his steps to avoid provoking wider discontent.

A high turnout is expected at an evening march in Madrid that will end at the central Puerta del Sol square, cradle of last year's anti-austerity "Indignant" movement.

National grid operator REE estimated electricity demand - a key indicator of economic activity - for Thursday as a whole would drop by 14.8 percent from Wednesday to 571 gigawatt-hours, a level comparable to a public holiday or a weekend.

During the last general strike in September 2010, demand fell by 12.6 percent from the day before.

(Additional reporting by Emma Pinedo, Nigel Davies, Paul Day, Martin Roberts, Blanca Rodriguez and Feliciano Tisera; writing by Tracy Rucinski; editing by Paul Day and David Stamp)


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Are you a young professional interested in international business?

By Vinay D. Cardwell,

Young college graduates face an uphill battle to find a good job. Finding a job in international business can be even more daunting. Where do you start? Who do you talk to? Are there companies in Utah doing international business? If so, how can you get connected to them?

The Young Internationalists was formed by Adam Deibert, Vinay Cardwell and Richard McConkie to answer these questions. Young Internationalists brings young professionals and college students who are interested in international trade, diplomacy and development together to network and receive mentoring from experienced business professionals.

Utah has a sizable international business community, but getting involved and knowing where to start can be intimidating. Until recently, if you were to attend a World Trade Center Utah (?WTC Utah?) event, you would notice very few, if any, young professionals or college students. Now when you attend a WTC Utah event, you?ll likely notice many younger attendees, this is due largely to the outreach efforts of the Young Internationalists. ?Co-founder Adam Deibert said, ?The Young Internationalists are allowing the next generation of internationalists to foster relationships with the current international business community.? Providing young professionals access to more experienced professionals has proven very useful for both parties?young professionals gain time-tested advice and best practices, while experienced businessmen learn fresh ideas and insights into technology.

In Utah there are many talented young people with international experience and proficiency in a foreign language. After living abroad and learning to speak French fluently, graduating from BYU and working for Goldman Sachs, Aaron Neuenschwander now works with the Governor?s Office of Economic Development, organizing trade missions and assisting Utah businesses with international goals. Aaron recently said, ?Young Internationalists has provided me with valuable connections both on an occupational and personal level. The depth and experience of members is remarkable and has already helped me think differently about international business. ?

The Young Internationalists meet monthly for lunch or dinner. Most meetings feature a prominent member of Utah?s international business community, who come to speak and answer questions. These meeting have helped members grow and expand. Currently there are over fifty group members with experience in diverse fields, including international finance, logistics, law, economic development and humanitarian aid.

If you are interesting in joining the Young Internationalists, please contact RICHARD@WTCUT.COM.



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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Best A mix of both SUV | Import CSV Using Easy CSV Importer

There are several motor vehicle brands which have already had hybrid motor vehicles out on the market for a long time and there remain others which might be slowly joining the mixture market having looked at the popularity with the hybrid designs among their particular competitors.

Kia was one of the primary to introduce a hybrid Sports utility vehicle, the Avoid and because these people were in the cutting edge of the technologies race, they?ve already managed to exercise most of the kinks that are included with creating a brand new vehicle, a lesser amount of one that consists of hybrid know-how. The Hyundai Escape is the better hybrid Sports utility vehicle because of the duration that it?s been in the market and it is shown it is not only a secure and efficient way to minimize gas charges, but that it?s also a popular vehicle involving consumers.The ideal hybrid suv is one not only will reduce gas charge and emissions, but which also doesn?t decrease the efficiency of the car. Many people purchase SUVs because of their towing as well as outdoor necessities so it?s crucial that the power of a SUV is not really compromised about it being a hybrid vehicle. Many individuals want the charge savings associated with a hybrid automotive, but they also need the towing functions and the energy of a larger sized suv.

Best Hybrid Sport utility vehicle (3)
Artistic Commons License credit: jiazi
Sport Energy Vehicles have changed extremely over the past several years, going by gas-guzzlers that people were forced to fill up regularly to getting the best crossbreed SUV through providing lower propane gas usage and value as well as enhanced performance. The top hybrid Sport utility vehicle combines the very best of both worlds, space and ability of a large Truck to be able to tow or transport large merchandise with the ability to decrease the intake and price tag of petrol. Combining a hybrid technology with the presently advanced development systems throughout cars as well as SUVs will allow the hybrid technology to be effective at cheaper speeds after that have the propane usage activate at a faster. This is the perfect hybrid Sport utility vehicle technology and we?ll continue to discover improvements when using the hybrid know-how to allow for each higher dragging power minimizing gas expenses and emissions.

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National Financial Advisory & Benefits Sales Executive | Business ...

Our client a major international financial services and benifits advisory professional services firm needs a C level pro with a track record of success calling on CFO-President-COO-Owner and corporate decision makers. Hunt for new business within a 100 mile radious of base city selling a full suite if financial products including:

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in conjunction with independent registered investment professionals.

The additional product category includes sophisticated employee management software,human resources compliance programs,employee benefit systems, health benefit coverage selection software and technology that helps optimize employee performance. Typical sales cycle is 2-4 months.

As health care costs continue to rise and human resource administration becomes more complex, it becomes increasingly difficult to satisfy needs of the key constituents. Our client delivers innovative solutions and a strategic planning process to help businesses and corporations meet these challenges.

Their unique approach leverages national expertise with local service, delivers cutting edge technology with no IT investment from the enduser and applies a disciplined, rigorous process that delivers consistent, predictable results.

The incentive money noted above is at plan, top 15% earn 400k plus and the incentive is uncapped. If you have a documented track record of success, selling value to decision makers and want the opportunity for career advancement as well as reward for sales performance please apply for confidential consideration.

Recent hires have come from a spectrum of b2b backrounds including CPA consulting, software,telecommunications,payroll processing, financial services, health insurance carriers/brokers and advertising with some exposure to the above categories. Excellent training and benifits.

For confidential consideration please apply. Interviews the week of 12/5.


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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Russia's Medvedev: Annan's mission is Syria's last chance to avoid protracted civil war

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EU slaps sanctions on Assad's wife; mortars hit Homs

BEIRUT (Reuters) - The European Union slapped sanctions on the wife and mother of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Friday, increasing pressure on his government to halt a bloody crackdown against an armed uprising.

The two were among 12 Syrians added to a number of figures already facing EU restrictions, diplomats said. Amongst the measures approved by foreign ministers in Brussels was a travel ban and asset freeze for Assad's British-born wife, Asma.

The decision came the day after more than 40 people died in clashes across Syria, with a U.N. Security Council call for an immediate end to the fighting going ignored.

Further violence was reported on Friday, with the army firing at least 24 mortar rounds into several districts of the rebellious city of Homs, in central Syria, killing at least two people, opposition activists said.

On the diplomatic front, the U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan, who is leading international efforts to stop the relentless mayhem, planned to travel to Moscow and Beijing this weekend for talks on the crisis, his spokesman said.

Russia and China have resisted Western and Arab demands that Assad stand down and have vetoed two U.N. resolutions highly critical of Damascus. However, they supported this week's Council statement calling for peace, which analysts saw as a sign they are ready to adopt a tougher stance on Syria.

More than 8,000 people have died in the year-long uprising, according to U.N. figures, but Western powers have ruled out military intervention in such a sensitive part of the world, putting the emphasis instead on sanctions and diplomacy.

Besides targeting Assad's inner family circle, EU foreign ministers also banned European companies from doing business with two Syrian entities, EU officials said.

A full list of sanctions targets will be made public on Saturday when the decision comes into force, but diplomats confirmed that Asma and other relatives were named.

"She is on the list. It's the whole clan," one EU diplomat said.


A British-educated former investment banker, Asma cultivated the image of a glamorous yet serious-minded woman with strong Western-inspired values who was meant to humanize the increasingly secretive and isolated Assad family.

But that image crumbled when her husband responded to an anti-government rebellion with extreme violence a year ago.

She has stood resolutely by his side and described herself as "the real dictator" in an email published by Britain's Guardian newspaper last week. The stash of messages showed she had also made luxury online purchases in Britain as the fighting around Syria raged.

Her ancestral home is Homs, now a symbol of the revolt which has been subjected to particularly fierce government attack. Video from the city on Friday showed plumes of smoke rising from residential areas after being hit by apparent mortar fire.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which is based in Britain and has a network of contacts in Syria, said the army clashed with defectors in the north-eastern town of Azaz, on the border with Turkey. Three soldiers and one defector were killed as the army fired heavy machineguns and mortar rounds, it said.

Helicopters hovered overhead and smoke was seen rising from buildings. It is impossible to verify reports from Syria because authorities have denied access to independent journalists.

Syria has said 3,000 members of the security forces have died in the uprising, which Damascus blames on terrorist gangs and foreign interference.


Annan has drawn up a six-point plan to end the unrest, including a demand for a ceasefire, political dialogue and full access for aid agencies. It also says the army should stop using heavy weapons in populated areas and pull troops back.

He sent five experts to Damascus earlier this week to discuss the deployment of international monitors -- something Assad has resisted. The team has now left Syria and there was no immediate word if they had made any progress.

"Mr. Annan and his team are currently studying the Syrian responses carefully, and negotiations with Damascus continue," his spokesman Ahmad Fawzi said in a statement from Geneva.

Asked whether Annan would be returning to Damascus for talks with Assad, Fawzi told a news briefing: "He will at some point decide to go back, but this is not the time yet."

Instead he will head to Russia and China, no doubt hoping to persuade them to bring their influence to bear on Syria.

Unlike the Arab League and Western countries, Annan has not explicitly called for Assad to step down, talking only about the need for dialogue and political transition.

Russia has historically close ties to Syria, which is home to its only naval base outside the former Soviet Union. But analysts believe Moscow is starting to hedge its bets about Assad's fate and is positioning itself for his possible fall.

(Additional reporting by Justyna Pawlak; in Brussels and Stephanie Nebehay and Tom Miles in Geneva; writing by Crispian Balmer; Editing by Jon Boyle)


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Saturday, March 24, 2012

No B.S. Muscle Building Tactics (Part II) | Stealth Body | Kettlebells ...

MuscleThis is part two (actually part three) in the Muscle Building tactics series.

In the first article, I discussed why it?s critical for everyone, no matter what you?re goals are, to build some degree of lean muscle mass.

For the complete rationale on why this is, please go back to the first article.

In the second?article, I provided 5 specific tactics that you can implement right away to build muscle. ?No B.S., just things that work.

In this third article, I?d like to give you more tactics that will help get you results.

Remember, it seems like muscle building is a bit of mystery for some of us, right?

I mean, there?s a bit more to it than just lifting weights.

So, with that, let?s dive into more tactics you can use.


Muscle building requires you to eat a lot of food, there?s no question about it.

What I recommend is tracking what you eat. ?Use of food journal and keep track of protein, carbs, fats, and calories.

A food journal is one of the single best things you can do, no matter if you?re goals are fat loss, muscle building, or improving your energy and performance.

You can get a composition book at Staples for 99 cents or go ?high tech? and use an online journaling system like

This is a cool tool for easy and accurate tracking of what you eat.

Again, this is one of the most valuable things you can do for eating well. ?If you?re serious about your results, please take action on this.

Is it all about calories?

While calories are important in gaining or losing weight, they aren?t the only thing that?s important.

Food quality and macro nutrient portions are also critical for mass building. ?I?ll discuss this more in a minute.

How many calories should you eat?

A good rule I recently heard was to eat 16 times your body weight in calories.

For example, if you weigh 200, you should be eating around 3,200 calories per day.

Now, to gain muscle the rule is to eat an additional 300-500 calories per day or approximately 2100-3500 extra calories per week.

If the outcomes are not what you want, what do you do?

Adjust your calories, simple as that. ?Up or down, as appropriate.

The key, of course, is to make sure those calories are quality calories and not just crappy food.

You want to make sure you eat quality whole foods.

This is KEY.

Whole foods are not ?packaged foods.? ?They are not highly processed foods.

Packaged foods are processed foods, so try to avoid or minimize as much as you can.

The type of staple whole foods I?m talking about are things like:

  • Organic eggs
  • Seafood (Wild caught)
  • Organic, grass fed beef
  • Organic, free range chicken
  • Sweet Potatoes & Yams
  • Quinoa
  • Wild rice, in moderation
  • Fruits, moderate intake in high glycemic index fruits
  • Vegetables (Brocholi, spinach, kale, peppers, romaine, etc.)
  • Nuts + Seeds (Raw, unsalted)
  • Healthy Fats & Oils (Avacodo, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil)
  • Nut butters (Almond)
  • Flax seed
  • Coconut Milk/Almond Milk

Eating a lot the right foods will make a HUGE difference for your muscle building process.

Remember not just quantity, but quality.

For a great short read on whole foods, check out Food Rules by Michael Pollan. ?(This book is not about building muscle, but has everything to do with quality eating.)


This is a big topic and sometimes controversial.

Protein consumption has been debated for years and probably will continue to be for many more.

More basic rules here, but to build muscle the rule is you should consume one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day.

This is a good rule to follow for muscle growth.

As we know, muscle growth and tissue repair requires protein.

Protein is the building block for growth, so to grow, you?ve got to consume protein. Agreed?

Protein won?t make you fat, but there has been potential ?health? concerns with eating too much.

For normal, healthy individuals, I have not seen any data to suggest that protein consumption is bad.

If you know of any data, please let me know. ?I?d be interested to read what it has to say.

Again, it really comes down to quality protein.

So, what do I mean my that?

Quality proteins are proteins that have not been processed or chemically treated.

Quality proteins are also the lean, healthy food suggestions I mention above.

For more on why organic, free range meats are recommended, see the previous article on Eating Organic.

Also, I do usually recommend supplementing with a (quality) protein shake.

Because so many proteins are highly processed, my current recommendations are ?cleaner? type of proteins.

Although whey protein is still the king, there are many other great proteins that are highly effective, may have improved gastrointestinal tolerability, and better overall for your health.

A great vegan protein supplement is by ?I?ve become a big fan of the SunWarrior products for their clean, organic, effective, high quality products.

And, they taste great too.

Most people can have a tough time meeting their protein requirements.

For this reason, protein supplementation is usually a great way to make sure you get the protein you need to build lean muscle.


I?m surprised how frequently this is missed in workout programs.

Nutrient timing is another HUGE topic that I?ll just touch on here and give you a key tactic to make sure you use.

If you want to get the most out of your workouts, you must make sure you eat to optimize performance, body composition, and your recovery.

If you don?t do this, you?re wasting your time.

Nutrient timing (NT) is much more that getting in your post-workout carb/protein (C/P), although that?s a critical component.

After you finish your workout, you have 30-45 minutes where your body responds very favorably to macronutrients (carbs and protein).

This 30-45 minute time period following your workout is known as the ?metabolic window.?

You body will respond very well to the right nutrients at the right time. ?That is the essence of (NT).

Why is this so important?

Here?s a list of some of the benefits:

  • replenish glycogen stores faster after training
  • increase protein synthesis
  • enhance immune function (so you don?t get sick)
  • speed recovery and tissue repair
  • improve muscle mass
  • and may enhance fat oxidation

(NT) is very powerful for these reasons and many more.

How do you best optimize the metabolic window?

Within 30 to 45 minutes post exercise make sure that you consume a carbohydrate protein combination with a ratio of 4:1 or 3:1, carb to protein.

This is especially important if you are training at a high intensity.

Most protein shakes can accommodate these requirements by adding fruits or other carbs to your protein shake.

A shake is usually the best option post workout, since most people don?t want to eat right after an intense exercise session.

By the way, the reason for the combination of (C/P) is that this combination has been shown to be MORE effective than either a carb or a protein alone.

As I mentioned, NT is a very big topic to cover and is beyond the scope of this article.

I?ll be covering this topic in much greater detail in the future.

For right now, make sure you take advantage of your ?metabolic window? after a hard training session and get some source of (C/P) combination post workout.


Drink lots of water, period.

Here?s a point where I differ with the Paleo/Primal approach.

Your body needs water and lots of it.

I recently heard a crazy statistic that approximately 70% of Americans were chronically dehydrated. ?Not just dehydrated, but chronically dehydrated.

We require water for optimal function. ?If we are dehydrated, we don?t function at our best.

Did you know the body recognizes thirst less as we get older?

And, a dry mouth is actually the last sign of dehydration.

How much water should you drink?

According to Dr. F. Batmanghelidj, author of Your Body?s Many Cries for Water, your goal should be to drink half your bodyweight in ounces per day.

So if you weigh 200 pounds you should have 100 ounces of water per day.

There are numerous health benefits for this and this will keep you hydrated, help to flush your system, and help your body to transport and store nutrients more efficiently.

Coffee, tea, soda are not water and don?t count as such.

Caffeinated beverage, in particular, are diuretic and excrete fluid from your tissue.

Hydrate with lots of water for optimal health, performance, and muscle building.


The final muscle building tactic I?ll discuss may be the hardest one of all.

If you are into training, the hardest thing to do sometimes is take time off and get the rest you need.

I admit, I?m guilty of this myself.

Overtraining is typically caused by extreme levels of training frequency, volume, or intensity.

Or a combination of all of these.

How will you know when you are overtraining?

There?s a few key things to look out for such as a decrease desire to train, decrease in performance, increased fatigue and feelings of ?burnout,? and even the potential for injury.

What do you do about it once you recognize it?

Take some time off, scale it back, and cycle your training. ?Again, take some time off, it?s not a bad thing to do every once in a while.

The key with this is really being ?in tune? with your body.

Learn to respond to your body. ?If you learn about your body, you will be able to determine when you?re overdoing it.

Get your sleep, rest and recover, and feed your body with the nutrients it needs to build and to grow.

Overtraining can be a big set back for you. ?Recognize the signs and learn to put things in low gear when you need to.

If you hit a plateau with your muscle building program, consider a ?rest and recover? approach before taking things to the next stage.

Well, that?s it folks, it?s a wrap.

There?s 10 tactics to help you build lean muscle.

In summary, here are all 10 Muscle Building tactic in this article series:

  6. EAT A LOT

There you have it.

Comments or questions about how to build muscle are welcome.

Just leave them below.

If you liked this post, please share it with others who may benefit.

Thanks for reading.


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REPEAT: Media Advisory: OFL President Sid Ryan Available for Comment Live from Federal NDP Convention

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - March 23, 2012) - Sid Ryan, President of the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL), will be available during the federal NDP Leadership Convention in Toronto for comment on the leadership race to replace Jack Layton and the relationship between labour and the NDP.

WHO: Sid Ryan, OFL President
WHAT: Media availability during NDP Leadership Convention
WHEN: Friday, March 23 and Saturday, March 24, 2012
WHERE: Metro Toronto Convention Centre - South Building
(222 Bremner Blvd., Toronto, Ontario)

The OFL represents 54 unions and one million workers in Ontario. OFL President Sid Ryan is the voice of Ontario's labour movement.


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Friday, March 23, 2012

Asthma Facts: Staying Safe - Health And Fitness Tips

Asthma is known to be a dangerous health condition but it can be avoided by having the right information of asthma facts. These facts need to be made known to most people so that they will also be aware of how to face asthma effectively. Nowadays, technology has become more advanced and it is being used to make life better but there is one thing that remains a secret up to the present and that is the main cause of asthma. Physicians often end up with different sources for each symptom that appears and also in making diagnoses.

It is hard to develop the asthma facts as well as the interventions for asthma attacks when doubts are present. If patterns in asthma attacks occur, asthma facts will be useful in making grounded hypotheses even when there are doubts. Symptoms of asthma are usually present when a person is exposed to a particular stimulus or situation. Industrial triggers like cement, modern building materials, heating and cooling systems, and smoke belching may cause asthma.

Although there are doubts on the minds of professionals, they were able to devise definite asthma facts. These conclusions involve unsanitary living conditions as one of the causes of asthma because dust mites, smog, vehicular smoke, air pollutants and many others are present in this type of environment. People are constantly exposed to environments like this. One can be exposed to vehicular smoke while on his way to work and the sofa or cupboard may be dusty most of the time. Stuff like this can cause serious body reaction.

Asthma facts are beneficial in avoiding bodily disorders. There was a research that aided many people in preventing diseases. In the research, it was stated that early exposure to house pets like cats, dogs, and birds is good for children because it helps improve the child?s immune system. A strong immune system is vital in order to avoid having asthma. Also, an important point in the research mentioned the saying ?cleanliness is next to godliness? where it aims to inform people that too much cleanliness may not be very advantageous in fact, it is possible that it could attract diseases. If one is exposed to allergens earlier, the body will get used to these allergens and will create a protection which can help resist them later.

Despite the known fact that correct dosage of drugs is significant, asthma facts remained true of its claim that inhalers must not be missed, forgotten, or lost by asthmatic people. Inhalers contain corticosteroids which are proven to be useful to those who experience abrupt asthma attacks. It?s main action is to relax the lungs? airways allowing better breathing. Difficulty of breathing can further lead to serious cases if not treated right away. Asthma happens at the least expected time but with the growing information and list of asthma attacks humanity will be able to conquer it successfully.

Want to find more information about the asthma treatment? Visit my blog to read about asthma health tips.

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Technorati Tags: adult onset asthma, asthma doctor, Asthma Symptoms, health and fitness, treatment of asthma


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'Michigan In Transition' Symposium To Explore Role Of Privatization, Corporatization In State's Future

Michigan In Transtition

File Photo. The "Michigan in Transition" symposium at Wayne State University will examine the effects of the state's emergency manager law on local communities.

Numis Network ? Gold, Silver, Should I Start Digging Here?

At a time when silver and gold values are at an all-time high, the Numis executive board has created a company that provides a sound investment and business for distributors and consumers around the world. This third-party Numis Network review will cover everything you need to know to make an educated decision about the pros and cons of this business opportunity, and also provide some little-known secrets to success for distributors

Numis Review of the Company Background:

Numis began only a few short years ago when lifelong friends, Ian Cordell and Christopher Kent, decided to bring their many years of direct sales experience together to help consumers create their own financial freedom. Be teaching consumers how to rightly invest in silver and gold, they are teaching people how to become free of debt and more secure about the future they want to live, no matter the instability of the market. Every month, thousands of people invest in the Silver of the Month Club and, thereby, ensure safety and security for their families? finances. Since the first days of the company?s founding, it has created an army of knowledgeable and ambitious team members, and it is one of the most successful companies of its kind in the world today. In fact, as far as of this writing, it is the first and only company of its kind.

Get 10-30 New Leads A Day For Your Numis Biz Online For Free ? Numis Internet Success Plan

Numis Review of the Products:

The company basically provides gold and silver to investors and average persons who desire to form a home business in this industry, in a collectors coin format. The website offers several products on their website: The Silver of the Month Club Membership, The Fast Track Collector?s Kit, an extensive catalog of graded silver and gold coins, Forever Crystal, gift sets, and the Fast Track 3.

Numis Review of the Cost to Enroll:

One cannot become a distributor without, first, investing in the Fast Track Collector?s Kit. There is approximately a five hundred dollar, or a thirteen hundred dollar buy-in for distributors. The higher priced buy-in offering more advantages and potential profits from the compensation plan.

Numis Review of the Compensation Plan:

From the moment a distributor first signs on they are offered a discount on products. From there, they receive a commission each time they sell product to another customer. Because a customer must receive membership in order to buy, they are naturally considered ?distributors? and now their recruiter will receive a commission on all their sales as well. The further up the line of distributors the higher the commission. The company also offers excellent and frequent bonuses and awards for the highest earning distributors. This is a multilevel marketing business model, which is a model that has created more millionaires out of middle class people than virtually any other profit generating system. However, success in this industry will depend entirely on having an effective marketing plan in place.

Numis Review of the Marketing System:

The marketing system is referred to as the 1-2-3 Numis Method of Success. Basically, it is the word-of-mouth method, which is utilized frequently by network marketing and direct sales companies. Distributors are encouraged to reach out with product to everyone in their circle of influence? (family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors). This method works for a time, and only in small numbers, but once the circle has been exhausted, the distributor has run out of customers and is frequently burnt out. It is, therefore, vital to the life of a direct sales business for a new distributor to invest in additional professional marketing training, such as an independent Internet marketing system that was created specifically to offer mentorship and marketing assistance for direct sales professionals.

Numis Review Summary:

Numis is a legitimate company that is backed by sound and experienced direct sales, financial, and specialty coin experts (numismatists). It is one of the well-respected companies in this particular industry. With the right kind of backing and support from an independent Internet marketing system, and the understanding that building a home business is going to require some hard work to get it into profit, a new distributor has the potential to create significant wealth and financial freedom with this company.


Kevin Thomas
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If you have questions or experience with this company please leave a comment


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"Thousands of Muslim Women in Britain Entering Polygamous ...

March 20, 2012 at 1:00 pm


If the numbers are true there could be more of a "demand" for polygamous marriage than gay marriage:

An ?unprecedented? number of Muslim women are inquiring about polygamy, the Islamic Sharia Council in Britain has said.

Newspaper reports suggest that thousands of Muslim women in Britain are entering polygamous relationships.

The news comes as the Westminster Government launched a consultation on whether marriage should be redefined.

British Muslim men reportedly bring about 12,000 brides to Britain each year, leaving UK-born Muslim females struggling to find a husband.

Although polygamy is illegal in Britain, many Muslim communities believe it is legitimate for a man to have up to four wives.

Under UK law only one marriage is legal, but men can have ?nikah? religious ceremonies. -- The UK Christian Institute


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Iran leader: Industrial boost can fight sanctions

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Witness is One of 2012?s Greatest Mysteries | Gameforumer ...

Posted by Admin on March 20th, 2012


It?s hard not to marvel at
Jonathan Blow?s chutzpah. Braid,
his 2008 XBLA puzzler, played with the concepts and consequences of
time travel through its mechanics as well as narrative. After high
sales and
quite a bit of accolade, Blow used most of the money he made off of
Braid to help finance his next project, a first person exploration game
called The
Witness. While a decision like
this would seems cripplingly frightening, you have to applaud the
confidence that Blow has in his art. This confidence is part of the
reason why The
Witness is my most anticipated game of 2012,
and after sitting down with Blow during GDC,
it remains at the top of my list. Although the game
still has a ways to go, Blow is confident that the final portion of the
game is the single best thing that he?s ever designed. Coming from the
man who created one of my favorite video games of this generation, it?s
safe to say that my anticipation for The Witness grows with every new
look. In preparation for its release, I?ve
compiled a list of five ways to ready yourself for the title, some of
which Blow himself alluded to while others contain connections that
I?ve made from what we learned about the game.

Dear Esther

Upon first viewing the
screenshots for The Witness, the immediate comparison to Myst
sprang forward. They?re both environmental puzzle games played through
a first person view and set on an enigmatic island. Blow even admits to
drawing inspiration
from the PC classic. But instead of replaying Myst
for the dozenth time, try something a little more modern. I suggest Dear Esther,
a Half-Life
2 mod created by British
developers thechineseroom. The mod was first released 2008, but just
last month received a full-fledged remake that improves on the original
in every way possible. The game places you in the role of a nameless
wanderer who explores the expanses of a dreary island. Narration in the
game is delivered via snippets of letters sent to a woman named Esther.
There are no puzzles or combat scenarios whatsoever, so the game ends
up becoming equal parts ghost story and walkabout. From what we?ve seen
from The Witness, both games share a similarly lonesome tone that
emanates from a mysterious island lost in time.

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Posted in Gaming News Tags: Braid, dear esther, dreary island, gameforumer, games, gaming, Greatest, greatest mysteries, half life 2 mod, news, person, time, updates Both comments and pings are currently closed.


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